🏳️LINE Developers

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The LINE Developers site is a portal site for developers. It contains documents and tools that will help you use our various developer products. Creating LINE Login and Messaging API applications and services has never been easier!

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Brief overview of each service


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### Messaging API

Enable two-way communication with LINE users.


### LINE Login

Let LINE users easily log in and connect with your service.


### LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)

Link your service with LINE and swiftly implement authentication and sharing functions.



Connect your service and users with LINE MINI App.


### LINE Pay

Add the LINE Pay payment feature to your application.


### LINE Notify

Send notifications for your service to users through LINE.


### Mini Dapp

Adopt Blockchain technology into your service





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*   [Messaging API](/en/services/messaging-api/)

*   [LINE Login](/en/services/line-login/)

*   [LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)](/en/services/liff/)

*   [LINE MINI App](/en/services/line-mini-app/)

*   [LINE Pay](https://pay.line.me/portal/global/main)

*   [LINE Notify](https://notify-bot.line.me/)

*   [Mini Dapp](https://blockchain.line.biz/)


*   [LINE Platform basics](/en/docs/basics/)

*   [LINE Developers Console](/en/docs/line-developers-console/)

*   [Messaging API](/en/docs/messaging-api/)

*   [LINE Social Plugins](/en/docs/line-social-plugins/)

*   [LINE Login](/en/docs/line-login/)

*   [LINE Login SDKs](/en/docs/line-login-sdks/)

*   [LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)](/en/docs/liff/)

*   [LINE MINI App](/en/docs/line-mini-app/)

*   [Options for corporate customers](/en/docs/partner-docs/)

*   [LINE Pay Online](/en/docs/line-pay/)

*   [LINE Pay Offline](/en/docs/line-pay-offline/)

*   [LINE Ads API](/en/docs/line-ads-api/)

*   [LINE Conversion API](/en/docs/line-conversion-api/)

*   [LINE Ads Network (Japanese only)](https://adsnetwork-docs.linebiz.com/)

*   [LINE Notify](https://notify-bot.line.me/)

*   [Mini Dapp](https://docs-blockchain.line.biz/)