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Brief overview of each service
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### Messaging API
Enable two-way communication with LINE users.
### LINE Login
Let LINE users easily log in and connect with your service.
### LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)
Link your service with LINE and swiftly implement authentication and sharing functions.
Connect your service and users with LINE MINI App.
### LINE Pay
Add the LINE Pay payment feature to your application.
### LINE Notify
Send notifications for your service to users through LINE.
### Mini Dapp
Adopt Blockchain technology into your service
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* [Messaging API](/en/services/messaging-api/)
* [LINE Login](/en/services/line-login/)
* [LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)](/en/services/liff/)
* [LINE MINI App](/en/services/line-mini-app/)
* [LINE Pay](
* [LINE Notify](
* [Mini Dapp](
* [LINE Platform basics](/en/docs/basics/)
* [LINE Developers Console](/en/docs/line-developers-console/)
* [Messaging API](/en/docs/messaging-api/)
* [LINE Social Plugins](/en/docs/line-social-plugins/)
* [LINE Login](/en/docs/line-login/)
* [LINE Login SDKs](/en/docs/line-login-sdks/)
* [LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF)](/en/docs/liff/)
* [LINE MINI App](/en/docs/line-mini-app/)
* [Options for corporate customers](/en/docs/partner-docs/)
* [LINE Pay Online](/en/docs/line-pay/)
* [LINE Pay Offline](/en/docs/line-pay-offline/)
* [LINE Ads API](/en/docs/line-ads-api/)
* [LINE Conversion API](/en/docs/line-conversion-api/)
* [LINE Ads Network (Japanese only)](
* [LINE Notify](
* [Mini Dapp](