Tap into what’s happening to build what’s next
**Get immediate access to the X API and unlock the potential of X data**
[Subscribe now](https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/products/basic)
**Please Note**: X is announcing changes to its API tiers, including new features, endpoints, rate limits, and pricing. Please read more [here](https://devcommunity.x.com/t/upcoming-updates-to-the-self-serve-x-api/227668).
Find the right access for you
### **Free**
For write-only use cases and testing the X API
* Rate-limited access to v2 posting and media upload endpoints
* 500 posts per month - posting limit at the user level
* 500 posts per month - posting limit at the app level
* 100 reads per month
* 1 app ID
* Login with X
* Access to Ads API
* Free
[Get started](https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/products/free)
### **Basic**
For hobbyists or prototypes
* Rate-limited access to suite of v2 endpoints
* 3,000 posts per month - posting limit at the user level
* 50,000 posts per month - posting limit at the app level
* 15,000 posts per month - read limit at the app level
* 2 app IDs
* Login with X
* Access to Ads API
* $200 per month
* $175 per month with annual subscription ($2,100 total)
* 2 Top-ups allowed
[Subscribe now](https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/products/basic)
### **Pro**
For startups scaling their business
* Rate-limited access to suite of v2 endpoints, including search and filtered stream
* 288,000 posts per month - posting limit at the user level
* 300,000 posts per month - posting limit at the app level
* 1,000,000 posts per month - read limit at the app level
* 3 app IDs
* Login with X
* Access to Ads API
* $5,000 per month
* $4.500 per month with annual subscription ($54,000 total)
* 2 Top-ups allowed
[Subscribe now](https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/products/pro)
### **Enterprise**
For businesses and scaled commercial projects
* Commercial-level access that meets your and your customer's specific needs
* Managed services by a dedicated account team
* Complete streams: replay, engagement metrics, backfill, and more features
* Access to Ads API
* Monthly subscription tiers
[Apply now](https://developer.x.com/en/products/twitter-api/enterprise/enterprise-api-interest-form)
Use cases
### **Build for businesses**
Use X's powerful APIs to help your business listen, act, and discover.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/build-for-businesses)
### **Build for the public**
Build for people on X to integrate or improve their experience on the platform.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/build-for-consumers)
### **Do research**
Use the X API to get historical and real-time data points for your next research project.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/do-research)
### **Teach & learn**
Teach or learn valuable skills with the X API.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/teach-and-learn)
### **Build for fun**
Experiment, explore, create, and have fun.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/build-for-fun)
### **Build for good**
Make the world, and X, a better place.
[Learn more →](https://developer.x.com/en/use-cases/build-for-good)
X APIX Ads APIX for Websites
Real-time access to the global conversation
Use the X API to listen to and analyze the public conversation, engage with people on X, and innovate. Here you can see how the [**recent search endpoint**](https://developer.x.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/search/introduction) was used to find Posts with specific keywords.
`curl --request GET --location 'https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/recent?tweet.fields=context_annotations&max_results=100&query=camping(nature%20OR%20%22outdoor%20actvities%22)' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'`
`{ "data": { "context_annotations": [ { "domain": { "id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel" }, "entity": { "id": "839159814991167489", "name": "Travel", "description": "Travel" } }, { "domain": { "id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations" }, "entity": { "id": "839160129752686593", "name": "General Travel", "description": "General Travel" } }, { "domain": { "id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations" }, "entity": { "id": "1046575724830720001", "name": "Outdoor Activities", "description": "Outdoor Activities" } }, { "domain": { "id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks" }, "entity": { "id": "849076092111536128", "name": "Adventure travel", "description": "Adventure travel" } }, { "domain": { "id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks" }, "entity": { "id": "849076476272009216", "name": "Camping", "description": "Camping" } }, { "domain": { "id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks" }, "entity": { "id": "1103294729079349250", "name": "Nature", "description": "Nature" } }, { "domain": { "id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel" }, "entity": { "id": "839159814991167489", "name": "Travel", "description": "Travel" } }, { "domain": { "id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations" }, "entity": { "id": "839160129752686593", "name": "General Travel", "description": "General Travel" } }, { "domain": { "id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks" }, "entity": { "id": "839161975712067584", "name": "Travel Actions", "description": "This entity includes all conversations about travel and vacation." } } ], "id": "1392142832274612224", "text": "Can't wait to take my family camping at all the amazing nature areas in my state that I loved growing up!" } }`
[Learn more →](/content/developer-twitter/en/products/x-api)
Build solutions that meet the needs of advertisers
Programmatically create, schedule, and manage ad campaigns to engage people on X.
`# Create a new Campaign: twurl -H ads-api.twitter.com -X POST "/2/accounts/hkk5/campaigns?funding_instrument_id=hw6ie&total_budget_amount_local_micro=5500000&daily_budget_amount_local_micro=500000&start_time=2013-01-01T00:00:01Z&entity_status=PAUSED&name=Launch"`
`"data": { "name": "Launch", "start_time": "2013-01-01T00:00:01Z", "reasons_not_servable": [ "PAUSED_BY_ADVERTISER", "INCOMPLETE" ], "servable": false, "daily_budget_amount_local_micro": 500000, "end_time": null, "funding_instrument_id": "hw6ie", "duration_in_days": null, "standard_delivery": true, "total_budget_amount_local_micro": 5500000, "id": "9bo81", "entity_status": "PAUSED", "account_id": "hkk5", "frequency_cap": null, "currency": "USD", "created_at": "2017-08-21T23:01:20Z", "updated_at": "2017-08-21T23:01:20Z", "deleted": false } # Create a new Campaign:`
[Learn more →](/content/developer-twitter/en/products/x-ads-api)
The power of X in your website or app
Display beautifully rendered, interactive Posts with X embeds, publish mobile-optimized pages with AMP, and drive valuable engagement with Cards.
`# Fetch any embeddable Twitter object from the oEmbed API let oembedResponse = await fetch(new Request('https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=https://twitter.com/jack/status/20')); let oembedTweet = oembedResponse.json(); # Make a request to the oEmbed API { "url": "https://twitter.com/jack/status/20", "author_name": "jack", "author_url": "https://twitter.com/jack", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">just setting up my twttr</p>— jack (@jack) <a href=\"https://twitter.com/jack/status/20\">March 21, 2006</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>", "width": 550, "height": null, "type": "rich", "cache_age": "3153600000", "provider_name": "Twitter", "provider_url": "https://twitter.com", "version": "1.0" }`
`# This returns a JSON oEmbed response <article> <figure> {{{oembedTweet.html}}} <figcaption>Tweet by Jack Dorsey</figcaption> </figure> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.</p> </article> # Output the HTML into your page.`
[Learn more →](/content/developer-twitter/en/products/x-for-websites)
See how others are innovating with the X Developer Platform
Businesses, researchers, and developers all over the world have used the X Developer Platform to creatively innovate, gain valuable insights, and shape the future. Explore how they did it and get inspired to use the APIs in your own way.
[Browse all success stories](https://developer.x.com/en/blog/success-stories)
Need more access and features?
Start the conversation about Enterprise access today and learn more about our managed services options.
[Apply now](https://developer.x.com/en/products/twitter-api/enterprise/enterprise-api-interest-form)
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