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Developer Blogs
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Mar 13, 2025
### [The Future of AI: Customizing AI Agents with the Semantic Kernel Agent Framework](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/semantic-kernel/the-future-of-ai-customizing-ai-agents-with-the-semantic-kernel-agent-framework)
Today we're excited to promote a recent blog from AI Platform focused on customizing AI agents with the Semantic Kernel agent framework. Read the entire blog post: here The Future of AI blog series is an evolving collection of posts from the AI Futures team in collaboration...
[Read more](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/semantic-kernel/the-future-of-ai-customizing-ai-agents-with-the-semantic-kernel-agent-framework)
Mar 13, 2025
### [Introducing support for SLNX, a new, simpler solution file format in the .NET CLI](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-slnx-support-dotnet-cli)
Learn about the .NET CLI's ability to interact with the new XML-based solution file format.
[Read more](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-slnx-support-dotnet-cli)
Mar 14, 2025
### [Exploring SQL Server Integration with .NET Aspire: A Collection of Hands-On Samples](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-sql/exploring-sql-server-integration-with-net-aspire-a-collection-of-hands-on-samples)
I'm happy to share a new GitHub repository with developers: azure-sql-db-aspire. This collection of eight hands-on examples demonstrates how to integrate SQL Server and Azure SQL with .NET Aspire, making it easier to build modern, cloud-native applications. Why .NET Aspire for SQL...
[Read more](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-sql/exploring-sql-server-integration-with-net-aspire-a-collection-of-hands-on-samples)
Latest posts
Mar 14, 2025
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### [Exploring SQL Server Integration with .NET Aspire: A Collection of Hands-On Samples](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-sql/exploring-sql-server-integration-with-net-aspire-a-collection-of-hands-on-samples)
Davide Mauri
I'm happy to share a new GitHub repository with developers: azure-sql-db-aspire. This collection of eight hands-on examples demonstrates how to integrate SQL Server and Azure SQL with .NET Aspire, making it easier to build modern, cloud-native applications. Why .NET Aspire for SQL...
Azure SQL Devs’ Corner
Mar 14, 2025
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### [The case of COM failing to pump messages in a single-threaded COM apartment](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20250314-00/?p=110965)
Raymond Chen
A customer encountered a hang caused by COM not pumping messages while waiting for a cross-thread operation to complete. They were using the task\_sequencer class for serializing asynchronous operations on a UI thread they created to handle accessibility callbacks. The hang stack looked...
The Old New Thing
Mar 13, 2025
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### [.NET AI 模板现已提供预览版](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet-ch/net-ai-%e6%a8%a1%e6%9d%bf%e7%8e%b0%e5%b7%b2%e6%8f%90%e4%be%9b%e9%a2%84%e8%a7%88%e7%89%88)
Eddie Chen
本文翻译自Jordan Matthiesen的.NET AI Template Now Available in Preview 想要开始 AI 开发,却不确定从哪里入手?我给您带来了一个好消息——我们全新的 AI 聊天 Web...
Mar 13, 2025
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### [The Future of AI: Customizing AI Agents with the Semantic Kernel Agent Framework](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/semantic-kernel/the-future-of-ai-customizing-ai-agents-with-the-semantic-kernel-agent-framework)
Today we're excited to promote a recent blog from AI Platform focused on customizing AI agents with the Semantic Kernel agent framework. Read the entire blog post: here The Future of AI blog series is an evolving collection of posts from the AI Futures team in collaboration...
Semantic Kernel
Mar 13, 2025
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### [Markdown for large text fields (private preview)](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/devops/markdown-for-large-text-fields-private-preview)
Dan Hellem
Adding Markdown capabilities to the work item is a long-standing request. We introduced Markdown for comments in early 2024, but due to the rollout of the New Boards Hub, we put the feature on hold. Today, we’re excited to announce a private preview for Markdown support in large text...
Azure DevOps Blog
Mar 13, 2025
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### [Microsoft 365 Certification control spotlight: Data in transit](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/microsoft365dev/microsoft-365-certification-control-spotlight-data-in-transit)
Tony Balkan
Ensure your Microsoft Teams app, Microsoft 365 add-in, or agent meets the latest compliance standards with Microsoft 365 Certification.
Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
Mar 13, 2025
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### [New, Simpler Solution File Format](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/new-simpler-solution-file-format)
Nayana Srikanth
For years, you’ve worked with Visual Studio’s solution file (\*.SLN) format, and while it’s a core part of your project organization, we know the experience hasn’t always been smooth. Whether you’ve been modifying, maintaining, or trying to resolve merge conflicts, it’s often...
Visual Studio Blog
Mar 13, 2025
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### [Introducing support for SLNX, a new, simpler solution file format in the .NET CLI](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-slnx-support-dotnet-cli)
Chet Husk
Learn about the .NET CLI's ability to interact with the new XML-based solution file format.
.NET Blog
Mar 13, 2025
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### [Using Azure AI Agents with Semantic Kernel in .NET and Python](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/semantic-kernel/using-azure-ai-agents-with-semantic-kernel-in-net-and-python)
Today we’re excited to dive into Semantic Kernel and Azure AI Agents. There are additional details about using an AzureAIAgent within Semantic Kernel covered in our documentation here. Azure AI Agents are powerful tools for developers seeking to integrate AI capabilities into their...
Semantic Kernel
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