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TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system for academic journals published in Türkiye via DergiPark platform.

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### Don't forget to apply for a publisher

You can access the live broadcast including the Publisher Page, CSP Authorization, Journal Application, Journal Boards and Journal Following topics through [this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vRM8dkjlgI&t=193s).

Search by title, author, keyword, ISSN, DOI and more | [Click For Advanced Search](//dergipark.org.tr/en/advanced-search)



##### [Interdisciplinary Medical Journal](/en/pub/interdiscip)

**e-ISSN:** 2980-1915

7K 20K

3rd Year



##### [Current Research in Health Sciences](/en/pub/crihs)

**e-ISSN:** 3023-6991

3.1K 6.2K

2nd Year



##### [Scientific Educational Studies](/en/pub/ses)

**e-ISSN:** 2602-4527

34K 112K

9th Year



##### [Journal of Agricultural Sciences](/en/pub/ankutbd)

**e-ISSN:** 2148-9297 **ISSN:** 1300-7580

476K 1.4M

31st Year



##### [Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Journal of Social Sciences](/en/pub/rteusbe)

**e-ISSN:** 2149-2239 **ISSN:** 2149-2239

162K 455K

11th Year



##### [LOKUM Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi](/en/pub/lokum)

**e-ISSN:** 2980-0722

8.7K 18K

3rd Year



##### [Eskişehir Barosu Dergisi](/en/pub/eskbd)

**e-ISSN:** 1305-7731 **ISSN:** 1305-7731

17K 133K

23rd Year



##### [Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences](/en/pub/dufed)

**e-ISSN:** 2458-9330 **ISSN:** 2146-4693

50K 182K

14th Year



##### [Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi](/en/pub/akaf)

**e-ISSN:** 2717-7548 **ISSN:** 2717-7548

35K 154K

7th Year



##### [ODÜ Tıp Dergisi](/en/pub/odutip)

**e-ISSN:** 2148-6816

59K 143K

12th Year

### **0**


Journal applications are made only by the publication coordinators responsible for the publisher page.

### **1.791**


Publisher applications are made with the authorization of the Coordinator of Scientific Publishing.

**[Publisher Application](/en/publisher-application/info)**

### **735.613**


You can submit an article by selecting a journal via DergiPark and follow the process from your own account.

**[Submit a Manuscript](javascript: ;)**

### **0**


To submit articles to journals or to be a reviewer, registration is required. Keeping the information in your profile up-to-date allows easy communication with you.






TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system for academic journals published in Türkiye via DergiPark platform.

Authors can contact editors, if they have any questions about the journal.

Daily visitors of DergiPark is over 100.000


[Read More](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/about)


DergiPark is not an index




DergiPark is not a index like TR Index or Scopus. All journals can be in DergiPark after meeting some criteria.

JournalPark solely provides an infrastructure to achieve compliance with international standards of academic publishing, which is considered as an important criterion for a journal’s inclusion in national and international indexes.

[Read More](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/dergipark-bir-dizin-degildir)




#### Don't forget to apply for a publisher

You can access the live broadcast including the Publisher Page, CSP Authorization, Journal Application, Journal Boards and Journal Following topics through [this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vRM8dkjlgI&t=193s).

#### 2024 DergiPark User Survey Result

We would like to thank all our contributing users.  

[Click here](https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/file/135) to see the report.  

#### A Short Break for Journal Applications

Journal applications are suspended until the end of 2024 due to a change in the structure. [Click here](https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/page/dergi-basvurusu-hakkinda) for information about the change and the new application.  

#### A Short Break for Journal Applications

Journal applications are suspended until the end of 2024 due to a change in the structure. [Click here](https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/page/dergi-basvurusu-hakkinda) for information about the change and the new application.  

#### Happy 100th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

We commemorate the Founder of our Republic, Veteran Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, and our martyrs with mercy, our hero veterans with gratitude.  

#### DergiPark mobile application is at your service!

Dear DergiPark Users,  

[DergiPark mobile application is at your service.](https://dergipark.org.tr/en/mobil)  

#### "Follow" feature have been added

You can follow the researcher and the journal with follow option.

Thus, you will receive notification when the issue and article are published.

#### If you have more than one accounts

[Having more than one account](https://dergipark.org.tr/en/search?section=user) can cause problems when an invitation to review is sent. If you want your accounts to be linked, you can send us an e-mail.  

#### DergiPark "New Article Workflow" Guide

DergiPark new article workflow system is available now. You can have a look at the [guide here](https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/dergipark-yeni-surec-rehberi)  





How to send my article to a journal?

How to use my own domain?

How to publish my issue?

If you have more to ask...


[](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/faq)[Go to Help Page](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/faq)

[Training and How-to Videos](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/egitim-dokumanlari)

[Highlights about Academic Periodical Publications](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/dergiler-icin-onemli-aciklamalar)

[Creative Commons (CC) Guide](//dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/page/creative-commons-cc-rehberi)

Dear Author;

*   You should choose the journal to submit your article on DergiPark. Subject filters may assist you for this purpose.

*   Journal pages provide relevant information about article submission. You are required to send your article to just one journal, acting otherwise violates ethics.

*   If you have any question or need any type of support in this process, you should contact the editor of the journal. In case ethical and pricing policy is missing on the journal page, you may contact the editor.

*   DergiPark, is not involved in any part of the article reviewal process.

*   Please visit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfAhRfQB-LQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfAhRfQB-LQ) for further information.

*   You can use the Journal Wizard to discover suitable journals to which you can submit articles. [Click](/en/wizard-journal/find) for Journal Wizard.