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Highest rated
Lowest priced
All-In-One Screenshot & Screen Recorder
* #### Screenshots
Capture part, the entire screen, or the full webpage: then mark it up
* #### Screen Recorder
Screen record with optional webcam as a GIF or HD video, and audio
* #### Cloud
Automatically saves to your account in the cloud
* #### Share
Instantly saves a link to your clipboard. Share anywhere
* #### Flexible
Available for Mac, Windows, and Chrome browser
* #### Bonuses
Upload files straight to your cloud account & tinyURL for link shortening.
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Integrations: Experience Working Faster, Not Harder
Perfect for individuals and teams in Customer Service, Project Management, Developers, Designers, Sales, and IT.
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Enterprise-level Security with Personalization
Industry-leading security, certification, and compliance.
* SSO/SAML 2.0
* GDPR compliance
* SSL/TLS encryption
* Custom domain
* Custom branding
* Auto redaction with AI
* Security dashboard
[Learn More](/enterprise/) [Try for Free](https://auth.droplr.com)
Experience working faster, not harder
##### Questions? Ask us on a live chat now.
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Get work done faster.
### Apps
* [Apps](/apps)
* [Download Apps](/products/screenshot-screen-recorder/apps/)
* [Features](/products/screenshot-screen-recorder/)
### More Info
* [Blog](/blog)
* [Why Droplr?](/products/screenshot-screen-recorder/)