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### [NIST Revises Measurement Guide for Information Security](/News/2024/nist-releases-volumes-1-and-2-of-sp-800-55)
### [CPRT: Cybersecurity and Privacy Reference Tool](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cprt)
### [Review and comment on our Draft Publications](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts-open-for-comment)
### [NIST Revises Measurement Guide for Information Security](/News/2024/nist-releases-volumes-1-and-2-of-sp-800-55)
### [CPRT: Cybersecurity and Privacy Reference Tool](https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cprt)
### [Review and comment on our Draft Publications](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts-open-for-comment)
The **Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC)** has information on many of NIST's cybersecurity- and information security-related projects, publications, news and events. CSRC supports people and organizations in government, industry, and academia—both in the U.S. and internationally.
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##### Highlights
* A revised [Measurement Guide for Information Security](/News/2024/nist-releases-volumes-1-and-2-of-sp-800-55) is now available, along with updated resources under the [Measurements for Information Security project](/Projects/measurements-for-information-security).
* NIST has published [three new standards for Post-Quantum Cryptography](/News/2024/postquantum-cryptography-fips-approved), specifying two digital signature schemes and a key-encapsulation mechanism scheme.
* [The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0](/News/2024/the-nist-csf-20-is-here)Â is now available, along with numerous supplemental resources including [multiple translations](https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework/csf-11-archive/translations#csf-20) and [quick start guides](https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework/quick-start-guides).
* The [Cybersecurity and Privacy Reference Tool (CPRT)](/Projects/cprt) offers a consistent format for accessing the reference data of NIST cybersecurity and privacy standards, guidelines, and frameworks.
### Recent News
**[NIST Releases CSWP 39 for Public Comment](/News/2025/nist-releases-cswp-39-for-public-comment)** **March 5, 2025**
NIST Cybersecurity White Paper (CSWP), Considerations for Achieving Crypto Agility, provides an in-depth survey of current approaches and considerations to achieving crypto agility.
**[Draft CSF Profile for Semiconductor Manufacturing](/News/2025/draft-csf-profile-for-semiconductor-manufacturing)** **February 27, 2025**
The NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) along with the SEMI Semiconductor Manufacturing Cybersecurity Consortium has released Draft NIST Internal Report (IR) 8546, Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0...
**[Cybersecurity and ERM | NIST IR 8286 Series Revisions and Updates](/News/2025/cybersecurity-and-erm-nist-ir-8286-series-revision)** **February 26, 2025**
NIST has released revisions or updates to all five publications in its Interagency Report (IR) 8286 series. The public comment period is open through April 14, 2025, for the initial public drafts of IR 8286r1, IR 8286Ar1, and...
**[A Security Perspective on the Web3 Paradigm](/News/2025/a-security-perspective-on-the-web3-paradigm)** **February 25, 2025**
Web3 is a proposed vision for the future of the internet that is restructured to be more user-centric with an emphasis on decentralized data. NIST IR 8475 provides a high-level technical overview of Web3 and discusses...
**[NIST Releases the Initial Public Draft of NIST IR 8011 Vol. 1 Rev. 1](/News/2025/nist-releases-the-initial-public-draft-of-nist-ir)** **February 20, 2025**
The NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) Team has released the initial public draft (ipd) of NIST Internal Report (IR) 8011r1 (Revision 1), Testable Controls and Security Capabilities for Continuous Monitoring. The public...
**[View All News](/News)**
### Upcoming Events
**[OSCAL Adopters' Monthly Workshops Series](/Events/2022/oscal-monthly-workshops)** **November 30, 2022 - December 17, 2025**
The NIST OSCAL team is hosting a series of monthly mini workshops that aims to address topics of interest for our community and to open this forum for its members to present their OSCAL-related work. Unless specifically...
**[Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB) March 2025 Meeting](/Events/2025/ispab-march-2025-meeting)** **March 19, 2025 - March 20, 2025**
 The Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB) March 2025 Meeting has been canceled. A new date has yet to be determined. Â
**[Trust and Provenance in the Semiconductor Supply Chain Workshop](/Events/2025/trusted-semiconductor-supply-chain-workshop)** **April 15, 2025**
The NIST Trust and Provenance in the Semiconductor Supply Chain Workshop will be held as an in-person on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at the NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) conference facility, in...
**[View All Events](/Events)**