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**Cristiano Porqueddu**
“\[…\] not for everyone \[…\]” -Classical Guitar Magazine
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Live in GeorgeTown (Texas, Oct 2022)
_“\[…\]The opening act of each epoch was characterized by austerity in creative displays. This austerity was revealed through what the Philosopher, Mircea Eliade, called hierophany, a “breakthroughs of the sacred into the world.” It was characterized by both attraction and awe as we come over and against that which is “other worldly,” yet revealing itself to be essential to our existence. Artistic epochs begin when the sacred is revealed.Thus was the experience that Cristiano Porqueddu brought to the concert hall.\[…\]”_– KevinTaylor, Artist Director, Williamson Guitar Society, Texas (US)
Franco Cavallone - Di tante lagrime
[](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/HIGHLIGHT-alfredo-franco-porqueddu.jpg "HIGHLIGHT-alfredo-franco-porqueddu")
[](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/porqueddu-Studies-from-Eight-Views-of-Xiaoxiang-1-2.jpg "porqueddu-Studies-from-Eight-Views-of-Xiaoxiang-1-2")
[](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/porqueddu-the-impressionistic-guitar-brilliant-classics.jpg "porqueddu-the-impressionistic-guitar-brilliant-classics")
Music of the 20th and 21st centuries
Main activities
### [Concerts](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/concerts/)
Hundreds of concerts given in Europe and the United States in the most prestigious halls with innovative programs always based on the original guitar repertoire of the 20th and 21st centuries.
[More detail →](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/concerts/)
### [Discography](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/discography/)
Over 65 CDs in 30 releases distributed in forty countries by Brillliant Classics. Recorded over 600 original works for guitar by 20th and 21st century composers. Excellent reviews and awards are countless.
[More detail →](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/discography/)
### [Works for solo guitar](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/composition/)
Winner of international composition competitions in Europe, America and Asia. His music is published by world-class publishers and played by excellent performers and is part of tracklists.
His music is all published by major publishers.
[More detail →](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/composition/)
### [Works as editor](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/editor/)
Assignments for revisions from some of the greatest authors of our time. Dozens of publications with excellent reviews. He has published with numerous publishing houses such as Les Productions d’OZ, Edizioni Curci, Presser, Edizioni Bèrben.
[More detail →](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/editor/)
I have the pleasure to collaborate with
[](http://associazionemusicare.com/ "Musicare")
[](https://www.brilliantclassics.com/ "Brilliant Classics")
[](https://productionsdoz.com/ "Les Productions d'OZ")
[](https://www.vidaartmanagement.com/ "Vida Art")
Some numbers from my activity
Recorded works for guitar
Real Target
paths, projects, ideas
Latest News
Sono felice di annunciare che la casa editrice canadese Les Productions d’OZ ha…
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[Various thoughts](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/category/pensieri-vari/)
La composizione per chitarra sola Tumbas de sos Gigantes dedicatami da Dušan Bogdanović…
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[Various thoughts](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/category/pensieri-vari/)
Un’anteprima dalla prossima release discografica “Novecento Guitar Variations”, cofanetto di quattro CD (forse…
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Si tratta probabilmente dell’ultima lettura di questo 2024, anno nel quale, tra le…
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[Reviews and interviews](https://www.cristianoporqueddu.com/category/interviste-e-recensioni/)
La prestigiosa e storica Rivista MUSICA (Zecchini Editore) pubblica sul numero 362 (Dicembre…
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La prestigiosa rivista MUSICA della Zecchini Editore attribuisce cinque stelle alla recentissima release…
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