🏳️Coroflot — Design Jobs & Portfolios

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Coroflot is where designers are found and hired: companies post opportunities and search for creative candidates, designers apply to jobs and post portfolios of their work.


The Job Board For Hiring Design Talent


*   [Post a Job](/hire-designers?utm_source=top_hp_btn)

##### Most Recent Design Jobs

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    BAR Architects & Interiors

    Intermediate Interior Designer

    San Francisco, CA


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    Industrial Designer Wanted – Sculptural Kinetic Floor Lamp Prototype

    Onsite or Remote Possible


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    C&G Partners

    Senior Signage and Environmental Graphics Designer

    New York, NY


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    WTTW/PBS Chicago and WFMT/Classical Chicago

    Broadcast Motion Graphics Artist

    Chicago, IL Onsite or Remote Possible


*   [

    _Mar 11_

    DesignThink, Inc.

    Senior Industrial Designer

    Phoenixville, PA


[View All Jobs](/design-jobs?utm_source=hp_omni)

The Best Distribution For Your Creative Job


Enjoy timely targeted responses when your job reaches over a million monthly visitors and 275,000+ social followers and email subscribers. Each job posting gets distributed across our targeted [Design Employment Network](/job-network), a collection of the most prestigious names in the Design World.


*   Brand New

*   Core77

*   Design Observer

*   Graphic Artists Guild


*   IDSA

*   IxDA


*   Noble Desktop

*   The One Club for Creativity

*   The Type Directors Club

Featured Designer Showcase


Each week we choose a small selection of the best and brightest creative professionals we find. Search and browse through thousands of works from designers around the world, or sign up today and start creating your portfolio.




[Natalie Hollern](/NatalieHollern/stream)

Apparel Designer




[Ki Charm John Kim](/koreanjohn32/stream)

Senior Hard Goods Designer




[Vince Chiaramonte](/vchenzo22/stream)

Director of Visual Design for American City Business Journals




[Leigh-Alexandra Jacob](/lajacob/stream)

Senior Visual Effects Scenic Artist




[Nocliché Design](/nicolasbrouillac/stream)

Product & Industrial Design Freelance




[IDr. Jeselyn Chuan](/JeselynChuan/stream)

Professional Interior Designer

Create & Share Your Design Work On Coroflot


Whether you are looking to assemble your online portfolio or you wish to share your ideas and designs for global community feedback, get started today by creating your Coroflot member account!

[Join Now](/signup?utm_source=get_started)