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Most-Viewed Bills | [Top 10](/most-viewed-bills)


*   [H.Con.Res.14](/bill/119th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/14) \[119th\] Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034.

*   [H.R.8281](/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8281) \[118th\] SAVE Act

*   [H.R.22](/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/22) \[119th\] SAVE Act

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*   [Public Laws and Statutes](/public-laws) | [U.S. Code](http://uscode.house.gov/) | [Statute Compilations](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/comps)

*   Appropriations: [Status Table](https://crsreports.congress.gov/AppropriationsStatusTable) | [Search FY25](/search?q=%7B%22source%22%3A%22legislation%22%2C%22search%22%3A%22isRelatedToAppropriations%3AY%20AND%20appropriationsFiscalYear%3A2025%22%7D&pageSort=latestAction%3Adesc)

Current Legislative Activities  

119th Congress (2025-2026)


### House of Representatives

#### [Not in Session](https://live.house.gov/ )  

[Video Archive](https://live.house.gov/ )

#### Next Meeting: March 6, 2025 at 9:00 AM EST

#### Previous Meeting: [March 5, 2025](/on-house-floor/2025/03/05)

#### House Links

*   [House Floor Activities](https://live.house.gov/)

*   [Committee Hearings Video](/committees/video)

*   [Communications to the House](/house-communications)

*   [Bills to be Considered](https://docs.house.gov/floor/)

### Senate

#### [Not in Session](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm )  

[Video Archive](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm )

#### Next Meeting: March 6, 2025 at 10:00 AM EST

#### Previous Meeting: [March 5, 2025](/on-senate-floor/2025/03/05)

#### Senate Links

*   [On the Senate Floor](http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/floor_activity/floor_activity.htm)

*   [Communications to the Senate](/senate-communications)

*   [Nominations](/nominations)

*   [Treaty Documents](/treaties)

#### Upcoming House and Senate Committee Meetings

*   [Today at 9:30 AM (EST)](/event/119th-congress/senate-event/336690) Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

*   [Today at 9:30 AM (EST)](/event/119th-congress/senate-event/336694) Senate Committee on Armed Services

*   [Today at 10:00 AM (EST)](/event/119th-congress/senate-event/336689) Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

**More:** [Daily View](/committee-schedule/daily/2025/03/06 ) | [Weekly View](/committee-schedule )

### Recent

*   [Yesterday in Congress](/bills-with-chamber-action/browse-by-date)

*   [Bill Texts](/bill-texts-received-today) \[0\]

*   [Committee Schedule](/committee-schedule)

*   [Floor Calendars](/calendars-and-schedules)

*   [Days in Session](/days-in-session)

*   [Roll Call Votes](/roll-call-votes)

*   [Presented to President](/presented-to-the-president) \[1\]

*   [Get Email Alerts and Updates](/get-alerts)

### The Congressional Record

*   [Daily Digest](/congressional-record) of latest legislative activity.

*   [Browse by Date](/congressional-record/browse-by-date)

### Library of Congress Reports

*   [Search CRS Reports](https://crsreports.congress.gov/) Congressional Research Service Reports are available to the public.

*   [The Law Library of Congress Reports](https://www.loc.gov/research-centers/law-library-of-congress/legal-reports/) are produced primarily for Members of Congress.

### The Constitution Annotated

*   Official Senate Print providing [comprehensive legal analysis of the U.S. Constitution](https://constitution.congress.gov ).

Current Members of Congress


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[Show all members](/members)

### House

Find a Representative Adams, Alma S. \[D-NC-12\] Aderholt, Robert B. \[R-AL-4\] Aguilar, Pete \[D-CA-33\] Alford, Mark \[R-MO-4\] Allen, Rick W. \[R-GA-12\] Amo, Gabe \[D-RI-1\] Amodei, Mark E. \[R-NV-2\] Ansari, Yassamin \[D-AZ-3\] Arrington, Jodey C. \[R-TX-19\] Auchincloss, Jake \[D-MA-4\] Babin, Brian \[R-TX-36\] Bacon, Don \[R-NE-2\] Baird, James R. \[R-IN-4\] Balderson, Troy \[R-OH-12\] Balint, Becca \[D-VT\] Barr, Andy \[R-KY-6\] Barragán, Nanette Diaz \[D-CA-44\] Barrett, Tom \[R-MI-7\] Baumgartner, Michael \[R-WA-5\] Bean, Aaron \[R-FL-4\] Beatty, Joyce \[D-OH-3\] Begich, Nicholas \[R-AK\] Bell, Wesley \[D-MO-1\] Bentz, Cliff \[R-OR-2\] Bera, Ami \[D-CA-6\] Bergman, Jack \[R-MI-1\] Beyer, Donald S. \[D-VA-8\] Bice, Stephanie I. \[R-OK-5\] Biggs, Andy \[R-AZ-5\] Biggs, Sheri \[R-SC-3\] Bilirakis, Gus M. \[R-FL-12\] Bishop, Sanford D. \[D-GA-2\] Boebert, Lauren \[R-CO-4\] Bonamici, Suzanne \[D-OR-1\] Bost, Mike \[R-IL-12\] Boyle, Brendan F. \[D-PA-2\] Brecheen, Josh \[R-OK-2\] Bresnahan, Robert \[R-PA-8\] Brown, Shontel M. \[D-OH-11\] Brownley, Julia \[D-CA-26\] Buchanan, Vern \[R-FL-16\] Budzinski, Nikki \[D-IL-13\] Burchett, Tim \[R-TN-2\] Burlison, Eric \[R-MO-7\] Bynum, Janelle \[D-OR-5\] Calvert, Ken \[R-CA-41\] Cammack, Kat \[R-FL-3\] Carbajal, Salud O. \[D-CA-24\] Carey, Mike \[R-OH-15\] Carson, André \[D-IN-7\] Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" \[R-GA-1\] Carter, John R. \[R-TX-31\] Carter, Troy A. \[D-LA-2\] Casar, Greg \[D-TX-35\] Case, Ed \[D-HI-1\] Casten, Sean \[D-IL-6\] Castor, Kathy \[D-FL-14\] Castro, Joaquin \[D-TX-20\] Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheila \[D-FL-20\] Chu, Judy \[D-CA-28\] Ciscomani, Juan \[R-AZ-6\] Cisneros, Gilbert Ray, Jr. \[D-CA-31\] Clark, Katherine M. \[D-MA-5\] Clarke, Yvette D. \[D-NY-9\] Cleaver, Emanuel \[D-MO-5\] Cline, Ben \[R-VA-6\] Cloud, Michael \[R-TX-27\] Clyburn, James E. \[D-SC-6\] Clyde, Andrew S. \[R-GA-9\] Cohen, Steve \[D-TN-9\] Cole, Tom \[R-OK-4\] Collins, Mike \[R-GA-10\] Comer, James \[R-KY-1\] Conaway, Herbert \[D-NJ-3\] Connolly, Gerald E. \[D-VA-11\] Correa, J. Luis \[D-CA-46\] Costa, Jim \[D-CA-21\] Courtney, Joe \[D-CT-2\] Craig, Angie \[D-MN-2\] Crane, Elijah \[R-AZ-2\] Crank, Jeff \[R-CO-5\] Crawford, Eric A. "Rick" \[R-AR-1\] Crenshaw, Dan \[R-TX-2\] Crockett, Jasmine \[D-TX-30\] Crow, Jason \[D-CO-6\] Cuellar, Henry \[D-TX-28\] Davids, Sharice \[D-KS-3\] Davidson, Warren \[R-OH-8\] Davis, Danny K. \[D-IL-7\] Davis, Donald G. \[D-NC-1\] De La Cruz, Monica \[R-TX-15\] Dean, Madeleine \[D-PA-4\] DeGette, Diana \[D-CO-1\] DeLauro, Rosa L. \[D-CT-3\] DelBene, Suzan K. \[D-WA-1\] Deluzio, Christopher R. \[D-PA-17\] DeSaulnier, Mark \[D-CA-10\] DesJarlais, Scott \[R-TN-4\] Dexter, Maxine \[D-OR-3\] Diaz-Balart, Mario \[R-FL-26\] Dingell, Debbie \[D-MI-6\] Doggett, Lloyd \[D-TX-37\] Donalds, Byron \[R-FL-19\] Downing, Troy \[R-MT-2\] Dunn, Neal P. \[R-FL-2\] Edwards, Chuck \[R-NC-11\] Elfreth, Sarah \[D-MD-3\] Ellzey, Jake \[R-TX-6\] Emmer, Tom \[R-MN-6\] Escobar, Veronica \[D-TX-16\] Espaillat, Adriano \[D-NY-13\] Estes, Ron \[R-KS-4\] Evans, Dwight \[D-PA-3\] Evans, Gabe \[R-CO-8\] Ezell, Mike \[R-MS-4\] Fallon, Pat \[R-TX-4\] Fedorchak, Julie \[R-ND\] Feenstra, Randy \[R-IA-4\] Fields, Cleo \[D-LA-6\] Figures, Shomari \[D-AL-2\] Finstad, Brad \[R-MN-1\] Fischbach, Michelle \[R-MN-7\] Fitzgerald, Scott \[R-WI-5\] Fitzpatrick, Brian K. \[R-PA-1\] Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck" \[R-TN-3\] Fletcher, Lizzie \[D-TX-7\] Flood, Mike \[R-NE-1\] Fong, Vince \[R-CA-20\] Foster, Bill \[D-IL-11\] Foushee, Valerie P. \[D-NC-4\] Foxx, Virginia \[R-NC-5\] Frankel, Lois \[D-FL-22\] Franklin, Scott \[R-FL-18\] Friedman, Laura \[D-CA-30\] Frost, Maxwell \[D-FL-10\] Fry, Russell \[R-SC-7\] Fulcher, Russ \[R-ID-1\] Garamendi, John \[D-CA-8\] Garbarino, Andrew R. \[R-NY-2\] García, Jesús G. "Chuy" \[D-IL-4\] Garcia, Robert \[D-CA-42\] Garcia, Sylvia R. \[D-TX-29\] Gill, Brandon \[R-TX-26\] Gillen, Laura \[D-NY-4\] Gimenez, Carlos A. \[R-FL-28\] Golden, Jared F. \[D-ME-2\] Goldman, Craig \[R-TX-12\] Goldman, Daniel S. \[D-NY-10\] Gomez, Jimmy \[D-CA-34\] Gonzales, Tony \[R-TX-23\] Gonzalez, Vicente \[D-TX-34\] Gooden, Lance \[R-TX-5\] Goodlander, Maggie \[D-NH-2\] Gosar, Paul A. \[R-AZ-9\] Gottheimer, Josh \[D-NJ-5\] Graves, Sam \[R-MO-6\] Gray, Adam \[D-CA-13\] Green, Al \[D-TX-9\] Green, Mark E. \[R-TN-7\] Greene, Marjorie Taylor \[R-GA-14\] Griffith, H. Morgan \[R-VA-9\] Grijalva, Raúl M. \[D-AZ-7\] Grothman, Glenn \[R-WI-6\] Guest, Michael \[R-MS-3\] Guthrie, Brett \[R-KY-2\] Hageman, Harriet M. \[R-WY\] Hamadeh, Abraham \[R-AZ-8\] Harder, Josh \[D-CA-9\] Haridopolos, Mike \[R-FL-8\] Harrigan, Pat \[R-NC-10\] Harris, Andy \[R-MD-1\] Harris, Mark \[R-NC-8\] Harshbarger, Diana \[R-TN-1\] Hayes, Jahana \[D-CT-5\] Hern, Kevin \[R-OK-1\] Hernández, Pablo \[D-PR\] Higgins, Clay \[R-LA-3\] Hill, J. French \[R-AR-2\] Himes, James A. \[D-CT-4\] Hinson, Ashley \[R-IA-2\] Horsford, Steven \[D-NV-4\] Houchin, Erin \[R-IN-9\] Houlahan, Chrissy \[D-PA-6\] Hoyer, Steny H. \[D-MD-5\] Hoyle, Val T. \[D-OR-4\] Hudson, Richard \[R-NC-9\] Huffman, Jared \[D-CA-2\] Huizenga, Bill \[R-MI-4\] Hunt, Wesley \[R-TX-38\] Hurd, Jeff \[R-CO-3\] Issa, Darrell \[R-CA-48\] Ivey, Glenn \[D-MD-4\] Jack, Brian \[R-GA-3\] Jackson, Jonathan L. \[D-IL-1\] Jackson, Ronny \[R-TX-13\] Jacobs, Sara \[D-CA-51\] James, John \[R-MI-10\] Jayapal, Pramila \[D-WA-7\] Jeffries, Hakeem S. \[D-NY-8\] Johnson, Dusty \[R-SD\] Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" \[D-GA-4\] Johnson, Julie \[D-TX-32\] Johnson, Mike \[R-LA-4\] Jordan, Jim \[R-OH-4\] Joyce, David P. \[R-OH-14\] Joyce, John \[R-PA-13\] Kamlager-Dove, Sydney \[D-CA-37\] Kaptur, Marcy \[D-OH-9\] Kean, Thomas H. \[R-NJ-7\] Keating, William R. \[D-MA-9\] Kelly, Mike \[R-PA-16\] Kelly, Robin L. \[D-IL-2\] Kelly, Trent \[R-MS-1\] Kennedy, Mike \[R-UT-3\] Kennedy, Timothy M. \[D-NY-26\] Khanna, Ro \[D-CA-17\] Kiggans, Jennifer A. \[R-VA-2\] Kiley, Kevin \[R-CA-3\] Kim, Young \[R-CA-40\] King-Hinds, Kimberlyn \[R-MP\] Knott, Brad \[R-NC-13\] Krishnamoorthi, Raja \[D-IL-8\] Kustoff, David \[R-TN-8\] LaHood, Darin \[R-IL-16\] LaLota, Nick \[R-NY-1\] LaMalfa, Doug \[R-CA-1\] Landsman, Greg \[D-OH-1\] Langworthy, Nicholas A. \[R-NY-23\] Larsen, Rick \[D-WA-2\] Larson, John B. \[D-CT-1\] Latimer, George \[D-NY-16\] Latta, Robert E. \[R-OH-5\] Lawler, Michael \[R-NY-17\] Lee, Laurel M. \[R-FL-15\] Lee, Summer L. \[D-PA-12\] Lee, Susie \[D-NV-3\] Leger Fernandez, Teresa \[D-NM-3\] Letlow, Julia \[R-LA-5\] Levin, Mike \[D-CA-49\] Liccardo, Sam \[D-CA-16\] Lieu, Ted \[D-CA-36\] Lofgren, Zoe \[D-CA-18\] Loudermilk, Barry \[R-GA-11\] Lucas, Frank D. \[R-OK-3\] Luna, Anna Paulina \[R-FL-13\] Luttrell, Morgan \[R-TX-8\] Lynch, Stephen F. \[D-MA-8\] Mace, Nancy \[R-SC-1\] Mackenzie, Ryan \[R-PA-7\] Magaziner, Seth \[D-RI-2\] Malliotakis, Nicole \[R-NY-11\] Maloy, Celeste \[R-UT-2\] Mann, Tracey \[R-KS-1\] Mannion, John \[D-NY-22\] Massie, Thomas \[R-KY-4\] Mast, Brian J. \[R-FL-21\] Matsui, Doris O. \[D-CA-7\] McBath, Lucy \[D-GA-6\] McBride, Sarah \[D-DE\] McCaul, Michael T. \[R-TX-10\] McClain Delaney, April \[D-MD-6\] McClain, Lisa C. \[R-MI-9\] McClellan, Jennifer L. \[D-VA-4\] McClintock, Tom \[R-CA-5\] McCollum, Betty \[D-MN-4\] McCormick, Richard \[R-GA-7\] McDonald Rivet, Kristen \[D-MI-8\] McDowell, Addison \[R-NC-6\] McGarvey, Morgan \[D-KY-3\] McGovern, James P. \[D-MA-2\] McGuire, John \[R-VA-5\] McIver, LaMonica \[D-NJ-10\] Meeks, Gregory W. \[D-NY-5\] Menendez, Robert \[D-NJ-8\] Meng, Grace \[D-NY-6\] Messmer, Mark \[R-IN-8\] Meuser, Daniel \[R-PA-9\] Mfume, Kweisi \[D-MD-7\] Miller, Carol D. \[R-WV-1\] Miller, Mary E. \[R-IL-15\] Miller, Max L. \[R-OH-7\] Miller-Meeks, Mariannette \[R-IA-1\] Mills, Cory \[R-FL-7\] Min, Dave \[D-CA-47\] Moolenaar, John R. \[R-MI-2\] Moore, Barry \[R-AL-1\] Moore, Blake D. \[R-UT-1\] Moore, Gwen \[D-WI-4\] Moore, Riley \[R-WV-2\] Moore, Tim \[R-NC-14\] Moran, Nathaniel \[R-TX-1\] Morelle, Joseph D. \[D-NY-25\] Morrison, Kelly \[D-MN-3\] Moskowitz, Jared \[D-FL-23\] Moulton, Seth \[D-MA-6\] Moylan, James C. \[R-GU\] Mrvan, Frank J. \[D-IN-1\] Mullin, Kevin \[D-CA-15\] Murphy, Gregory F. \[R-NC-3\] Nadler, Jerrold \[D-NY-12\] Neal, Richard E. \[D-MA-1\] Neguse, Joe \[D-CO-2\] Nehls, Troy E. \[R-TX-22\] Newhouse, Dan \[R-WA-4\] Norcross, Donald \[D-NJ-1\] Norman, Ralph \[R-SC-5\] Norton, Eleanor Holmes \[D-DC\] Nunn, Zachary \[R-IA-3\] Obernolte, Jay \[R-CA-23\] Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria \[D-NY-14\] Ogles, Andrew \[R-TN-5\] Olszewski, Johnny \[D-MD-2\] Omar, Ilhan \[D-MN-5\] Onder, Robert \[R-MO-3\] Owens, Burgess \[R-UT-4\] Pallone, Frank \[D-NJ-6\] Palmer, Gary J. \[R-AL-6\] Panetta, Jimmy \[D-CA-19\] Pappas, Chris \[D-NH-1\] Pelosi, Nancy \[D-CA-11\] Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp \[D-WA-3\] Perry, Scott \[R-PA-10\] Peters, Scott H. \[D-CA-50\] Pettersen, Brittany \[D-CO-7\] Pfluger, August \[R-TX-11\] Pingree, Chellie \[D-ME-1\] Plaskett, Stacey E. \[D-VI\] Pocan, Mark \[D-WI-2\] Pou, Nellie \[D-NJ-9\] Pressley, Ayanna \[D-MA-7\] Quigley, Mike \[D-IL-5\] Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman \[R-AS\] Ramirez, Delia C. \[D-IL-3\] Randall, Emily \[D-WA-6\] Raskin, Jamie \[D-MD-8\] Reschenthaler, Guy \[R-PA-14\] Riley, Josh \[D-NY-19\] Rivas, Luz \[D-CA-29\] Rogers, Harold \[R-KY-5\] Rogers, Mike D. \[R-AL-3\] Rose, John W. \[R-TN-6\] Ross, Deborah K. \[D-NC-2\] Rouzer, David \[R-NC-7\] Roy, Chip \[R-TX-21\] Ruiz, Raul \[D-CA-25\] Rulli, Michael A. \[R-OH-6\] Rutherford, John H. \[R-FL-5\] Ryan, Patrick \[D-NY-18\] Salazar, Maria Elvira \[R-FL-27\] Salinas, Andrea \[D-OR-6\] Sánchez, Linda T. \[D-CA-38\] Scalise, Steve \[R-LA-1\] Scanlon, Mary Gay \[D-PA-5\] Schakowsky, Janice D. \[D-IL-9\] Schmidt, Derek \[R-KS-2\] Schneider, Bradley Scott \[D-IL-10\] Scholten, Hillary J. \[D-MI-3\] Schrier, Kim \[D-WA-8\] Schweikert, David \[R-AZ-1\] Scott, Austin \[R-GA-8\] Scott, David \[D-GA-13\] Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" \[D-VA-3\] Self, Keith \[R-TX-3\] Sessions, Pete \[R-TX-17\] Sewell, Terri A. \[D-AL-7\] Sherman, Brad \[D-CA-32\] Sherrill, Mikie \[D-NJ-11\] Shreve, Jefferson \[R-IN-6\] Simon, Lateefah \[D-CA-12\] Simpson, Michael K. \[R-ID-2\] Smith, Adam \[D-WA-9\] Smith, Adrian \[R-NE-3\] Smith, Christopher H. \[R-NJ-4\] Smith, Jason \[R-MO-8\] Smucker, Lloyd \[R-PA-11\] Sorensen, Eric \[D-IL-17\] Soto, Darren \[D-FL-9\] Spartz, Victoria \[R-IN-5\] Stansbury, Melanie A. \[D-NM-1\] Stanton, Greg \[D-AZ-4\] Stauber, Pete \[R-MN-8\] Stefanik, Elise M. \[R-NY-21\] Steil, Bryan \[R-WI-1\] Steube, W. Gregory \[R-FL-17\] Stevens, Haley M. \[D-MI-11\] Strickland, Marilyn \[D-WA-10\] Strong, Dale W. \[R-AL-5\] Stutzman, Marlin A. \[R-IN-3\] Subramanyam, Suhas \[D-VA-10\] Suozzi, Thomas R. \[D-NY-3\] Swalwell, Eric \[D-CA-14\] Sykes, Emilia Strong \[D-OH-13\] Takano, Mark \[D-CA-39\] Taylor, David \[R-OH-2\] Tenney, Claudia \[R-NY-24\] Thanedar, Shri \[D-MI-13\] Thompson, Bennie G. \[D-MS-2\] Thompson, Glenn \[R-PA-15\] Thompson, Mike \[D-CA-4\] Tiffany, Thomas P. \[R-WI-7\] Timmons, William R. \[R-SC-4\] Titus, Dina \[D-NV-1\] Tlaib, Rashida \[D-MI-12\] Tokuda, Jill N. \[D-HI-2\] Tonko, Paul \[D-NY-20\] Torres, Norma J. \[D-CA-35\] Torres, Ritchie \[D-NY-15\] Trahan, Lori \[D-MA-3\] Tran, Derek \[D-CA-45\] Turner, Michael R. \[R-OH-10\] Underwood, Lauren \[D-IL-14\] Valadao, David G. \[R-CA-22\] Van Drew, Jefferson \[R-NJ-2\] Van Duyne, Beth \[R-TX-24\] Van Orden, Derrick \[R-WI-3\] Vargas, Juan \[D-CA-52\] Vasquez, Gabe \[D-NM-2\] Veasey, Marc A. \[D-TX-33\] Velázquez, Nydia M. \[D-NY-7\] Vindman, Eugene \[D-VA-7\] Wagner, Ann \[R-MO-2\] Walberg, Tim \[R-MI-5\] Wasserman Schultz, Debbie \[D-FL-25\] Waters, Maxine \[D-CA-43\] Watson Coleman, Bonnie \[D-NJ-12\] Weber, Randy K. Sr. \[R-TX-14\] Webster, Daniel \[R-FL-11\] Westerman, Bruce \[R-AR-4\] Whitesides, George \[D-CA-27\] Wied, Tony \[R-WI-8\] Williams, Nikema \[D-GA-5\] Williams, Roger \[R-TX-25\] Wilson, Frederica S. \[D-FL-24\] Wilson, Joe \[R-SC-2\] Wittman, Robert J. \[R-VA-1\] Womack, Steve \[R-AR-3\] Yakym, Rudy \[R-IN-2\] Zinke, Ryan K. \[R-MT-1\]

#### Leadership


*   [Republican Policy Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern \[R-OK-1\]](/member/kevin-hern/H001082)

*   [Assistant Leader Rep. Joe Neguse \[D-CO-2\]](/member/joe-neguse/N000191)

*   [Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Rep. Ted Lieu \[D-CA-36\]](/member/ted-lieu/L000582)

*   [Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson \[R-LA-4\]](/member/mike-johnson/J000299)

*   [Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise \[R-LA-1\]](/member/steve-scalise/S001176)

*   [Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem S. Jeffries \[D-NY-8\]](/member/hakeem-jeffries/J000294)

*   [Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer \[R-MN-6\]](/member/tom-emmer/E000294)

*   [Minority Whip Rep. Katherine M. Clark \[D-MA-5\]](/member/katherine-clark/C001101)

*   [Republican Conference Chairwoman Rep. Lisa C. McClain \[R-MI-9\]](/member/lisa-mcclain/M001136)

*   [Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Pete Aguilar \[D-CA-33\]](/member/pete-aguilar/A000371)

*   [Republican Policy Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern \[R-OK-1\]](/member/kevin-hern/H001082)

*   [Assistant Leader Rep. Joe Neguse \[D-CO-2\]](/member/joe-neguse/N000191)

*   [Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Rep. Ted Lieu \[D-CA-36\]](/member/ted-lieu/L000582)

*   [Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson \[R-LA-4\]](/member/mike-johnson/J000299)

*   [Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise \[R-LA-1\]](/member/steve-scalise/S001176)

*   [Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem S. Jeffries \[D-NY-8\]](/member/hakeem-jeffries/J000294)

*   [Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer \[R-MN-6\]](/member/tom-emmer/E000294)

*   [Minority Whip Rep. Katherine M. Clark \[D-MA-5\]](/member/katherine-clark/C001101)

*   [Republican Conference Chairwoman Rep. Lisa C. McClain \[R-MI-9\]](/member/lisa-mcclain/M001136)

*   [Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Pete Aguilar \[D-CA-33\]](/member/pete-aguilar/A000371)

*   [Republican Policy Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern \[R-OK-1\]](/member/kevin-hern/H001082)

*   [Assistant Leader Rep. Joe Neguse \[D-CO-2\]](/member/joe-neguse/N000191)

*   [Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Rep. Ted Lieu \[D-CA-36\]](/member/ted-lieu/L000582)


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### Senate

Find a Senator Alsobrooks, Angela D. \[D-MD\] Baldwin, Tammy \[D-WI\] Banks, Jim \[R-IN\] Barrasso, John \[R-WY\] Bennet, Michael F. \[D-CO\] Blackburn, Marsha \[R-TN\] Blumenthal, Richard \[D-CT\] Blunt Rochester, Lisa \[D-DE\] Booker, Cory A. \[D-NJ\] Boozman, John \[R-AR\] Britt, Katie Boyd \[R-AL\] Budd, Ted \[R-NC\] Cantwell, Maria \[D-WA\] Capito, Shelley Moore \[R-WV\] Cassidy, Bill \[R-LA\] Collins, Susan M. \[R-ME\] Coons, Christopher A. \[D-DE\] Cornyn, John \[R-TX\] Cortez Masto, Catherine \[D-NV\] Cotton, Tom \[R-AR\] Cramer, Kevin \[R-ND\] Crapo, Mike \[R-ID\] Cruz, Ted \[R-TX\] Curtis, John R. \[R-UT\] Daines, Steve \[R-MT\] Duckworth, Tammy \[D-IL\] Durbin, Richard J. \[D-IL\] Ernst, Joni \[R-IA\] Fetterman, John \[D-PA\] Fischer, Deb \[R-NE\] Gallego, Ruben \[D-AZ\] Gillibrand, Kirsten E. \[D-NY\] Graham, Lindsey \[R-SC\] Grassley, Chuck \[R-IA\] Hagerty, Bill \[R-TN\] Hassan, Margaret Wood \[D-NH\] Hawley, Josh \[R-MO\] Heinrich, Martin \[D-NM\] Hickenlooper, John W. \[D-CO\] Hirono, Mazie K. \[D-HI\] Hoeven, John \[R-ND\] Husted, Jon \[R-OH\] Hyde-Smith, Cindy \[R-MS\] Johnson, Ron \[R-WI\] Justice, James C. \[R-WV\] Kaine, Tim \[D-VA\] Kelly, Mark \[D-AZ\] Kennedy, John \[R-LA\] Kim, Andy \[D-NJ\] King, Angus S., Jr. \[I-ME\] Klobuchar, Amy \[D-MN\] Lankford, James \[R-OK\] Lee, Mike \[R-UT\] Lujan, Ben Ray \[D-NM\] Lummis, Cynthia M. \[R-WY\] Markey, Edward J. \[D-MA\] Marshall, Roger \[R-KS\] McConnell, Mitch \[R-KY\] McCormick, David \[R-PA\] Merkley, Jeff \[D-OR\] Moody, Ashley \[R-FL\] Moran, Jerry \[R-KS\] Moreno, Bernie \[R-OH\] Mullin, Markwayne \[R-OK\] Murkowski, Lisa \[R-AK\] Murphy, Christopher \[D-CT\] Murray, Patty \[D-WA\] Ossoff, Jon \[D-GA\] Padilla, Alex \[D-CA\] Paul, Rand \[R-KY\] Peters, Gary C. \[D-MI\] Reed, Jack \[D-RI\] Ricketts, Pete \[R-NE\] Risch, James E. \[R-ID\] Rosen, Jacky \[D-NV\] Rounds, Mike \[R-SD\] Sanders, Bernard \[I-VT\] Schatz, Brian \[D-HI\] Schiff, Adam B. \[D-CA\] Schmitt, Eric \[R-MO\] Schumer, Charles E. \[D-NY\] Scott, Rick \[R-FL\] Scott, Tim \[R-SC\] Shaheen, Jeanne \[D-NH\] Sheehy, Tim \[R-MT\] Slotkin, Elissa \[D-MI\] Smith, Tina \[D-MN\] Sullivan, Dan \[R-AK\] Thune, John \[R-SD\] Tillis, Thomas \[R-NC\] Tuberville, Tommy \[R-AL\] Van Hollen, Chris \[D-MD\] Warner, Mark R. \[D-VA\] Warnock, Raphael G. \[D-GA\] Warren, Elizabeth \[D-MA\] Welch, Peter \[D-VT\] Whitehouse, Sheldon \[D-RI\] Wicker, Roger F. \[R-MS\] Wyden, Ron \[D-OR\] Young, Todd \[R-IN\]

#### Leadership


*   [President Pro Tempore Sen. Chuck Grassley \[R-IA\]](/member/chuck-grassley/G000386 )

*   [Majority Whip Sen. John Barrasso \[R-WY\]](/member/john-barrasso/B001261 )

*   [Democratic Whip Sen. Richard J. Durbin \[D-IL\]](/member/richard-durbin/D000563 )

*   [President of the Senate Vice President J.D. Vance](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/jd-vance/ )

*   [Majority Leader Sen. John Thune \[R-SD\]](/member/john-thune/T000250 )

*   [Democratic Leader Chair of the Conference Sen. Charles E. Schumer \[D-NY\]](/member/charles-schumer/S000148 )

*   [President Pro Tempore Sen. Chuck Grassley \[R-IA\]](/member/chuck-grassley/G000386 )

*   [Majority Whip Sen. John Barrasso \[R-WY\]](/member/john-barrasso/B001261 )

*   [Democratic Whip Sen. Richard J. Durbin \[D-IL\]](/member/richard-durbin/D000563 )

*   [President of the Senate Vice President J.D. Vance](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/jd-vance/ )

*   [Majority Leader Sen. John Thune \[R-SD\]](/member/john-thune/T000250 )

*   [Democratic Leader Chair of the Conference Sen. Charles E. Schumer \[D-NY\]](/member/charles-schumer/S000148 )

*   [President Pro Tempore Sen. Chuck Grassley \[R-IA\]](/member/chuck-grassley/G000386 )

*   [Majority Whip Sen. John Barrasso \[R-WY\]](/member/john-barrasso/B001261 )

*   [Democratic Whip Sen. Richard J. Durbin \[D-IL\]](/member/richard-durbin/D000563 )


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