Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
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Popular terms
* Physician Fee Schedule
* Local Coverage Determination
* Medically Unlikely Edits
* Telehealth
* Covid-19
Spotlight Initiatives
* [Medicare Drug Price Negotiation](#section2146-1)
* [Innovation Center](#section2146-2)
* [No Surprise Billing](#section2146-3)
* [Nursing home resources](#section2146-4)
Medicare Drug Price Negotiation
### Medicare Drug Price Negotiation
Medicare is negotiating prices directly with participating drug companies to improve access to some of the costliest and most dispensed brand-name drugs used by people with Medicare.
[Learn more](/inflation-reduction-act-and-medicare/medicare-drug-price-negotiation)
Innovation Center
### Innovation Center
We support the development and testing of innovative health care payment and service delivery models.
[See what’s new](https://innovation.cms.gov/)
No Surprise Billing
### No Surprise Billing
See how new rules help protect people from surprise medical bills and remove consumers from payment disputes between a provider or health care facility and their health plan.
[Review the details](/nosurprises)
Nursing home resources
### Nursing Home Resources
Get the latest policy information and learn about initiatives to enable safe and quality care in nursing homes.
[Get resources](/about-cms/what-we-do/nursing-homes)
Top resources
### Medicare fee schedules
Check the fee schedules to find billing codes.
_Show links_
* [Physician fee schedule lookup tool](/medicare/physician-fee-schedule/search/overview)
* [Physician fee schedule](/medicare/payment/fee-schedules/physician)
* [Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule](/medicare/payment/fee-schedules/clinical-laboratory-fee-schedule-clfs/files)
* [Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule](/medicare/payment/fee-schedules/dmepos/dmepos-fee-schedule)
* [Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment](/medicare/payment/prospective-payment-systems/ambulatory-surgical-center-asc)
### Codes for claim reimbursement
Find codes to be reimbursed for clinical services.
_Show links_
* [Medicare Coverage Database](https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/)
* [List of CPT/HCPCS codes](/medicare/regulations-guidance/physician-self-referral/list-cpt-hcpcs-codes)
* [2023 ICD-10 Procedure Coding System](/medicare/coding-billing/icd-10-codes/2023-icd-10-pcs)
* [2023 ICD-10-CM](/medicare/coding-billing/icd-10-codes/2023-icd-10-cm)
* [National correct coding initiative edits](/medicare/coding-billing/national-correct-coding-initiative-ncci-edits/medicare-ncci-medically-unlikely-edits)
* [Place of service code set](/medicare/coding-billing/place-of-service-codes/code-sets)
### Marketplace partner resources
Get helpful materials for agents, brokers, and partners.
_Show links_
* [Marketplace registration and training](/marketplace/agents-brokers/registration-training)
* [Resources for Agents and Brokers in the Health Insurance Marketplaces](/marketplace/agents-brokers/resources)
* [Agent and Broker FAQ’s](/marketplace/agents-brokers/help-on-demand)
* [Information on Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Benchmark Plans](/marketplace/resources/data/essential-health-benefits)
* [2023 Projected Health Insurance Exchange Coverage Maps](/marketplace/about/exchange-coverage-maps)
### Manuals, forms, & transmittals
Find current resources to complete your tasks.
_Show links_
* [CMS Forms list](/medicare/forms-notices/cms-forms-list)
* [Internet Only Manuals](/medicare/regulations-guidance/manuals/internet-only-manuals-ioms)
* [Transmittals](/medicare/regulations-guidance/transmittals)
* [Become a medicare provider or supplier](/medicare/enrollment-renewal/providers-suppliers)
* [National Provider Identifier (NPI) application/update form](/medicare/regulations-guidance/administrative-simplification/how-apply)
Nondiscrimination in health
There have been recent court decisions staying or enjoining provisions of the 2024 Final Rule implementing Section 1557 of the ACA. [Learn more](/about-cms/web-policies-important-links/accessibility-nondiscrimination-disabilities-notice#1557)
### [Medicare.gov](https://www.medicare.gov "Medicare.gov")
Information for people over 65, and younger people with a disability, who want to sign up for Medicare.
### [InsureKidsNow.gov](https://www.insurekidsnow.gov/ "InsureKidsNow.gov")
Information for children up to the age of 19 who need health care or a local dental provider.
### [Healthcare.gov](https://www.healthcare.gov "Healthcare.gov")
Information for people who need health insurance and want to apply or enroll in the Marketplace or Medicaid.
### [Medicaid.gov](https://www.medicaid.gov "Medicaid.gov")
Information about the program and policy details of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program.