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Clarity with every click
Clarity is a free product that captures how people use your site. Setup is easy and you'll start getting data in minutes.
1M+ sites globally100% freeGDPR & CCPA ready
Get started[See live demo](/demo/projects/view/3t0wlogvdz/dashboard)
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Heatmaps Session recordings Insights Google Analytics
Generate automatically for all your pages. See where people click, what they ignore, and how far they scroll.
[Learn about Heatmaps](/heatmaps)
Clarity is free forever
Enjoy all the features of Clarity at absolutely zero cost. You'll never run into traffic limits or be forced to upgrade to a paid version.
[Why is Clarity free?](/pricing)
Clarity integration—better together
Seize the power of integration! Clarity allows you to build the perfect analytics stack to better understand user behavior.
[Explore integrations](/integrations)
Customer success stories
Clarity helps consolidate user behavior and uncovers trends, so we can make your website better together for retail, content publishers, small business owners, and everywhere in between.
[Explore case studies](/case-studies)
What Clarity users say
### For a user experience analytics tool, I don't think you will find a better solution than what Microsoft has done with Clarity.​​
**Scott Kivowitz/** Chief Community Officer at Imagely
### Set this up in 20 seconds for our site and I'm seeing data I never had in less then 30 minutes.. really easy integration..
### Clarity for Android has become our go-to tool for analyzing user behavior in our Android apps. It helps us understand how users interact with our app, and improve our engagement and conversion. Clarity has become essential for our workflow.​
**AbdelRahman el Naka/** Marketing Manager at Robusta​
Clarity works with mobile apps
Get a huge amount of insights out of our tiny and lightweight SDK. Get undetectable performance impact and minimal bandwidth consumption on your mobile app with a low code easy setup.
We currently support native Android, React native on Android, Cordova, and Ionic, with many more coming soon.
[Learn more](/mobile-apps)
Clarity extension
See instant heatmaps overlaid right on your live site and watch recent recordings for any page you're on. Analytics has never been so easy!
[Learn more]([Download](
Stop guessing. Get Clarity.
Free forever. Built to grow with your business. No limits on traffic.
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