🏳️CKAN - The open source data management system

Website faviconckan.org

CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data.

The world’s leading open source  

data management system  




CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers hundreds of data portals worldwide.

Python 4.6k 2k


Powering open data at:

*   [](https://www.canada.ca/en.html)

*   [](https://www.data.gov/)

*   [](https://www.nhs.uk/)

*   [](https://www.nsw.gov.au/)

*   [](https://opendata.swiss/en/)

*   [](https://daten.berlin.de/)

*   [](https://data.humdata.org/)

*   [](https://data61.csiro.au/)

*   [](https://datos.gob.mx/)

*   [](https://www.australia.gov.au/)

CKAN for Government


CKAN is used by national and regional government organisations throughout the European Union, the Americas, Asia and Oceania to power a variety of official and community data portals.

CKAN for Enterprise


CKAN has been adopted by enterprise organisations in sectors such as resources, energy, pharmaceuticals and finance to publish and manage internal data assets.

Speak with us


Our [CKAN stewards](/community#stewards) help organisations of all sizes around the globe  

learn more about implementing CKAN open data portals.  

The best way to get in touch is via the form below

[Contact Us](javascript:void\(0\);)

_Note: Your information will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You may opt-out at any time._

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Powered by CKAN


A showcase of government and enterprise open data portals that use CKAN as their data management system of choice. [See all showcase sites.](/showcase)


### Government of Canada


Tens of thousands of datasets making Canada's governmental data more accessible to everyone.


### Singapore Government


The Singapore Government uses CKAN as an open data portal for economic, education, environment, finance, and health data.


### Australian Government


The Australian Government uses CKAN to make available public data from over 800 different organisations.

CKAN is now a Digital Public Good


CKAN has been added to the Digital Public Registry and is now officially recognised as a data management system helping tackle 9 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda set by the United Nations (UN).

[Learn more](https://ckan.org/blog/ckan-is-now-a-digital-public-good)

Join our next webinar


Where we showcase CKAN to people - it's free to join and open to everyone.

[Get an invite](javascript:void\(0\);)

**I would like to be invited to the next CKAN Monthly Live meetup.**

_Note: Any information you provide will only be used for inviting you to the CKAN meetups (and, if you opt-in, letting you know about CKAN news and updates). It will not be shared with any third parties._

Your e-mail address \* 

Your name \* 

Your Company/Organization Name \* 

Are you interested in the technical or non-technical aspects of CKAN?




Would you like to suggest a topic for one of our future meetups?

Any comments or something you would like to share?

Would you like to automatically be invited to future meetups on CKAN Monthly Live? They happen every third Wednesday of the month at 1 pm UTC. 

Would you like to be informed about other CKAN news and updates? 
