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Mother convinces major retailers to take dangerous toy off shelves
Nurse compels UPS to provide A/C for drivers like her husband
Young patient makes hospital parking affordable for others who need long-term care
Becky helped pass a bill to prevent school bullying
Melissa fought to clean up a toxic lab after her daughter’s cancer
Marcelino and others with mobility constraints have ramp-access to their local beach
Mother convinces major retailers to take dangerous toy off shelves
Nurse compels UPS to provide A/C for drivers like her husband
Young patient makes hospital parking affordable for others who need long-term care
Becky helped pass a bill to prevent school bullying
Melissa fought to clean up a toxic lab after her daughter’s cancer
Marcelino and others with mobility constraints have ramp-access to their local beach
How we help you create impact
1. 1
### Start a petition
Create a high-quality campaign for change in just a few minutes with our expert guidance.
2. 2
Gather supportReach the people who care about your cause with our recruiting tools and large network of supporters.
3. 3
Reach those in powerInfluence officials within government, education, and other institutions with our proven process.
Support causes you care about
Find petitions that speak to your heart and amplify your voice for change.
[Youth Empowerment](/t/youth-empowerment-en-us)[Gender Equality](/t/gender-equality-en-us)[Education Reform](/t/education-reform-en-us)[Affordable Housing](/t/affordable-housing-en-us)[International Trade](/t/international-trade-en-us)
[Tell the Federal Trade Commission to investigate all-time high egg prices](/p/tell-the-federal-trade-commission-to-investigate-all-time-high-egg-prices)
38,048 signatures
[Protect the U​.​S. Postal Service: A Vital Public Service for All Americans](/p/protect-the-u-s-postal-service-a-vital-public-service-for-all-americans)
1,631,814 signatures
[Free Wendy Williams from Guardianship](/p/free-wendy-williams-from-guardianship)
25,718 signatures
[Stop Medicare from Limiting Home Telehealth Coverage on April 1, 2025](/p/stop-medicare-from-limiting-home-telehealth-coverage-on-april-1-2025)
26,065 signatures
[Petition to Protect Topanga and LA County from Toxic Waste Sorting Site](/p/petition-to-protect-topanga-and-la-county-from-toxic-waste-sorting-site)
14,952 signatures
[Firefighters demand restored access to critical detox treatment](/p/firefighters-demand-restored-access-to-critical-detox-treatment)
California, USA
3,179 signatures
[Stop the Construction of a Civic Center in Big Bear Park #SaveBigBearPark](/p/stop-the-construction-of-a-civic-center-in-big-bear-park-savebigbearpark)
White City, UT, USA
1,938 signatures
[End Euthanasia of Unadopted Cats and Dogs in Animal Shelters](/p/end-euthanasia-of-unadopted-cats-and-dogs-in-animal-shelters)
48,673 signatures
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