🏳️Shopify CDN

Website faviconcdn.shopify.com

Shopify's content delivery network

Shopify image url

Paste one of your Shopify hosted images, or use our samples.


https://cdn.shopify.com/static/sample-images/garnished.jpegCopyCopy text to clipboard

Original file

359.48 KB • JPEG • 1850 × 1233

Optimized file


163.3 KB • WEBP • 1850 × 1233




None Center Top Bottom Left Right

Padding color





20 billion

Files hosted with Shopify

25 million

File requests per minute

Features Features


*   ### File compression.

    File size is automatically optimized when you upload to Shopify. The change in file quality isn’t noticeable to the human eye, but it’ll improve page load time.

*   ### File format conversion.

    Shopify automatically detects which file formats are supported on the client side and sends the best option. Example: Converts images to WebP or AVIF where supported, but JPG as a fallback for other clients.

*   ### Dynamic editing.

    Unlike destructive editing, dynamic editing allows you to crop and transform your image without losing the original file. Simply indicate the desired state using URL parameters. These parameters will be interpreted and used to “on-the-fly” transform the file. The original file remains preserved and untouched.

*   ### All in real time.

    The compression, file format conversion, and dynamic editing all happen in real time. Users have negligible to no wait time as our servers around the world ensure ultra fast delivery.