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Healthy Habits to Prevent Flu [Learn More](/flu/prevention/actions-prevent-flu.html)
Preparing For a Winter Storm [Learn More](/winter-weather/safety/index.html)
H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation [Learn More](/bird-flu/situation-summary/index.html)
[Healthy Habits to Prevent Flu](/flu/prevention/actions-prevent-flu.html) Next Slide [Preparing For a Winter Storm](/winter-weather/safety/index.html) Next Slide [H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation](/bird-flu/situation-summary/index.html) Next Slide Pause carousel
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News [All News](https://www.cdc.gov/media/)
1. [
FEB 27
CDC Statement on Measles Outbreak
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FEB 25
CDC Reports Nearly 24% Decline in U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths
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FEB 24
CDC warns of _Listeria_ outbreak linked to supplement shakes distributed in long-term care facilities
4. [
JAN 10
U.S. Government Releases First National One Health Plan to Protect People, Animals, and Our Environment from Shared Health Threats
5. [
JAN 06
First H5 Bird Flu Death Reported in United States
Scientific Journals
MMWR is a weekly epidemiological digest that provides timely, reliable, objective, and useful public health information.
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EID is a monthly peer reviewed journal covering infectious diseases with emphasis on disease prevention, control, and elimination.
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PCD is a peer reviewed journal covering research, public health findings, innovations, and practices on chronic diseases.
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Science at CDC
To make science and data easier for broad audiences to interpret, CDC is translating science into practical, easy to understand policy by clarifying and presenting scientific language so that anyone can understand it and standardizing guideline development across the agency.