🏳️Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

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The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and advance peace.

1.  [

    Vision 2030 in the Home Stretch: Clear Achievements yet Limited Accountability


    *   [](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

    *   [Andrew Leber](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

2.  [

    Ending the New Wars of Attrition: Opportunities for Collective Regional Security in the Middle East


    *   [](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

    *   [Amr Hamzawy](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

3.  [

    Digital Public Infrastructure: A Practical Approach for Africa


    *   [](/people/jane-munga?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

    *   Diana Sang, 

    *   [Jane Munga](/people/jane-munga?lang=en), 

    *   [Nanjira Sambuli](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

4.  [

    Vision 2030 in the Home Stretch: Clear Achievements yet Limited Accountability


    *   [](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

    *   [Andrew Leber](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

5.  [

    Ending the New Wars of Attrition: Opportunities for Collective Regional Security in the Middle East


    *   [](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

    *   [Amr Hamzawy](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

6.  [

    Digital Public Infrastructure: A Practical Approach for Africa


    *   [](/people/jane-munga?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

    *   Diana Sang, 

    *   [Jane Munga](/people/jane-munga?lang=en), 

    *   [Nanjira Sambuli](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

7.  [

    Vision 2030 in the Home Stretch: Clear Achievements yet Limited Accountability


    *   [](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

    *   [Andrew Leber](/people/andrew-leber?lang=en)

8.  [

    Ending the New Wars of Attrition: Opportunities for Collective Regional Security in the Middle East


    *   [](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

    *   [Amr Hamzawy](/people/amr-hamzawy?lang=en)

9.  [

    Digital Public Infrastructure: A Practical Approach for Africa


    *   [](/people/jane-munga?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

    *   Diana Sang, 

    *   [Jane Munga](/people/jane-munga?lang=en), 

    *   [Nanjira Sambuli](/people/nanjira-sambuli?lang=en)

Item 1 of 3

[United States](/regions/united-states?lang=en)



Foreign Policy Attitudes of Indian Americans: 2024 Survey Results



*   [](/people/annabel-richter?lang=en)

*   +1

*   Sumitra Badrinathan, 

*   Devesh Kapur, 

*   [Annabel Richter](/people/annabel-richter?lang=en), 

*   [Milan Vaishnav](/people/milan-vaishnav?lang=en)

*   commentary


    Get Rid of FEMA? Some States Will Hurt More Than Others.


    *   [](/people/sarah-labowitz?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/debbra-goh?lang=en)

    *   [Sarah Labowitz](/people/sarah-labowitz?lang=en), 

    *   [Debbra Goh](/people/debbra-goh?lang=en)

*   paper


    How the U.S. Can Stop Losing the Race for Clean Energy


    *   [](/people/bentley-allan?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/milo-mcbride?lang=en)

    *   [](/people/noah-gordon?lang=en)

    *   +5

    *   [Bentley Allan](/people/bentley-allan?lang=en), 

    *   [Milo McBride](/people/milo-mcbride?lang=en), 

    *   [Noah Gordon](/people/noah-gordon?lang=en), 

    *   [Daniel Helmeci](/people/daniel-helmeci?lang=en), 

    *   Jonas Goldman, 

    *   [Daevan Mangalmurti](/people/daevan-mangalmurti?lang=en), 

    *   [Debbra Goh](/people/debbra-goh?lang=en), 

    *   [Leonardo Martinez-Diaz](/people/leonardo-martinez-diaz?lang=en)

*   [more on United States](/regions/united-states?lang=en)

[Domestic Politics](/topics/domestic-politics?lang=en)



What’s Behind the Monumental Shift Between Türkiye and the PKK



*   [](/people/alper-coskun?lang=en)

*   [Alper CoĹźkun](/people/alper-coskun?lang=en)

*   commentary


    What Was Syria’s Violence About?


    *   [](/people/michael-young?lang=en)

    *   [Michael Young](/people/michael-young?lang=en)

*   commentary


    Putin’s Irrational Demographic Policies Are Doomed to Fail


    *   [](/people/andrey-pertsev?lang=en)

    *   [Andrey Pertsev](/people/andrey-pertsev?lang=en)

*   [more on Domestic Politics](/topics/domestic-politics?lang=en)

###### about the carnegie endowment

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and advance peace.

[who we are](/about?lang=en)

[Donate to Support Carnegie](https://donate.carnegieendowment.org/support)

###### trending topics and regions

[Climate Change](/topics/climate-change?lang=en)[Democracy](/topics/democracy?lang=en)[Global Governance](/topics/global-governance?lang=en)[Israel](/regions/israel?lang=en)[Palestine](/regions/palestine?lang=en)[Ukraine](/regions/ukraine?lang=en)[Syria](/regions/syria?lang=en)

see all regionssee all topics

We deliver unbiased research to decisionmakers who help set the global policy agenda

Our scholars generate strategic ideas and independent analysis to help inform countries, institutions, and leaders as they take on the most difficult global problems.

[See our research](/research?lang=en)



Does U.S. Democracy Aid Have a Future?


*   [](/people/thomas-carothers?lang=en)

*   [Thomas Carothers](/people/thomas-carothers?lang=en)



Assessing Progress in Building Clean Energy Supply Chains: The Technical Paper of the U.S. Foreign Policy for Clean Energy Taskforce


*   [](/people/bentley-allan?lang=en)

*   [](/people/daniel-helmeci?lang=en)

*   [Bentley Allan](/people/bentley-allan?lang=en), 

*   Jonas Goldman, 

*   [Daniel Helmeci](/people/daniel-helmeci?lang=en)

We generate actionable policy ideas to help forge a safer world


Our scholars from around the world provide decisionmakers with pragmatic recommendations to support viable long-term solutions to global challenges.

[Recent recommendations](/policy-ideas?lang=en)




Geopolitics and Economic Statecraft in the European Union


*   [](/people/rosa-balfour?lang=en)

*   [](/people/lizza-bomassi?lang=en)

*   +8

*   [Rosa Balfour](/people/rosa-balfour?lang=en), 

*   Eugenia Baroncelli, 

*   [Lizza Bomassi](/people/lizza-bomassi?lang=en), 

*   [Raluca Csernatoni](/people/raluca-csernatoni?lang=en), 

*   Andreas Goldthau, 

*   Giovanni Grevi, 

*   Catherine Hoeffler, 

*   [Erik Jones](/people/erik-jones?lang=en), 

*   [Pavi Prakash Nair](/people/pavi-prakash-nair?lang=en), 

*   [Sinan Ülgen](/people/sinan-ulgen?lang=en), 

*   [Richard Youngs](/people/richard-youngs?lang=en)




U.S.-China Relations for the 2030s: Toward a Realistic Scenario for Coexistence


*   [](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en)

*   [](/people/mariano-florentino-tino-cuellar?lang=en)

*   [](/people/evan-s-medeiros?lang=en)

*   +11

*   [Christopher S. Chivvis](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en), 

*   [Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar](/people/mariano-florentino-tino-cuellar?lang=en), 

*   [Evan Medeiros](/people/evan-s-medeiros?lang=en), 

*   Stephen Walt, 

*   John Culver, 

*   Rosemary Foot, 

*   C. Fred Bergsten, 

*   Edoardo Campanella, 

*   Meg Rithmire, 

*   M. Taylor Fravel, 

*   Eric Heginbotham, 

*   [George Perkovich](/people/george-perkovich?lang=en), 

*   Audrye Wong, 

*   [Stephen Wertheim](/people/stephen-wertheim?lang=en)

###### Chart of the week

### We use data to guide our understanding of complex issues

Carnegie leverages data to understand the threats and opportunities affecting global security and well-being.

Explore Bentley Allan, Milo McBride, Noah Gordon, Daniel Helmeci, Jonas Goldman, Daevan Mangalmurti, Debbra Goh, and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz's use of data in their paper, “How the U.S. Can Stop Losing the Race for Clean Energy.”

[READ THE PAPER](/research/2025/02/how-the-us-can-stop-losing-the-race-for-clean-energy?lang=en)

We focus on cross-cutting policy issues and key regions


Carnegie scholars provide topical analysis on democracy, technology, climate, and other issues within the regional context in Asia, Africa, Europe, East and South Asia, the Middle East, Russia and Eurasia, the United States, and Latin America.

[See our programs](/programs-and-projects?lang=en)


[American Statecraft](/programs/american-statecraft)


[Carnegie California](/programs/carnegie-california)

[Democracy, Conflict, and Governance](/programs/democracy-conflict-and-governance)


[Global Order and Institutions](/programs/global-order-and-institutions)

[Middle East](/programs/middle-east)

[Nuclear Policy](/programs/nuclear-policy)

[Russia and Eurasia](/programs/russia-and-eurasia)

[South Asia](/programs/south-asia)

[Sustainability, Climate, and Geopolitics](/programs/sustainability-climate-and-geopolitics)

[Technology and International Affairs](/programs/technology-and-international-affairs)

We host events worldwide to unpack the most difficult global challenges


Carnegie’s regular series of global public events, both virtual and in person, bring together top experts to discuss and debate pressing threats to global security and provide solutions.

[See all events](/events?lang=en)







Looking Back to Look Forward: The Role and Challenges of Accountability in Post-Assad Syria


10:00 AM — 11:00 AM EDT

*   [](/people/federica-dalessandra?lang=en)

*   +2

*   Omar Alshogre, 

*   [Federica D’Alessandra](/people/federica-dalessandra?lang=en) , 

*   Nousha Kabawat, 

*   Robert Petit, 

*   Stephen Rapp







Assessing Trump’s Presidency: Two Historians Reflect on the Past and Future


1:00 PM — 1:45 PM EDT

*   [](/people/aaron-david-miller?lang=en)

*   Douglas Brinkley, 

*   Nicole Hemmer, 

*   [Aaron David Miller](/people/aaron-david-miller?lang=en)




A Conversation with Jake Sullivan


March 12, 2025

*   [](/people/aaron-david-miller?lang=en)

*   [Aaron David Miller](/people/aaron-david-miller?lang=en), 

*   Jake Sullivan


Carnegie Explainer Videos

Discover what’s driving today’s hottest global issues with Carnegie Explainers.

With expert insights and rich visuals, our scholars bring clarity to complex foreign policy issues, providing a deeper understanding of critical geopolitical challenges.

[see the collection](/carnegie-explainer-videos?lang=en)





Is AI the Future of National Security?


Through a simulation of a Chinese blockade on Taiwan, Carnegie scholars examine AI's potential impact on national security crises. How would AI impact the speed, perception, and groupthink of bureaucratic decisionmakers? Learn more in Christopher S. Chivvis and Jennifer Kavanagh's full article.

*   [](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en)

*   [Christopher S. Chivvis](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en)




Hypersonic Missiles Arms Race: What You Need to Know


Hypersonic missiles can travel faster than five times the speed of sound. Russia and China have invested heavily in different types of hypersonic missiles capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional warheads. The United States has also invested in its hypersonic missile technology. What are hypersonic weapons capable of, and what dangers do they pose to international stability? Is another arms race under way?

*   [](/people/james-m-acton?lang=en)

*   [James M. Acton](/people/james-m-acton?lang=en)




Wagner Group: Are Russia’s Mercenaries a Threat to U.S. Interests?


Russia’s shadowy mercenaries known as the Wagner Group offer Moscow deniability on the battlefield and a cheap way to build influence across the globe.


Carnegie Explainer Videos

Discover what’s driving today’s hottest global issues with Carnegie Explainers.

With expert insights and rich visuals, our scholars bring clarity to complex foreign policy issues, providing a deeper understanding of critical geopolitical challenges.

[see the collection](/carnegie-explainer-videos?lang=en)





Is AI the Future of National Security?


Through a simulation of a Chinese blockade on Taiwan, Carnegie scholars examine AI's potential impact on national security crises. How would AI impact the speed, perception, and groupthink of bureaucratic decisionmakers? Learn more in Christopher S. Chivvis and Jennifer Kavanagh's full article.

*   [](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en)

*   [Christopher S. Chivvis](/people/christopher-s-chivvis?lang=en)




Hypersonic Missiles Arms Race: What You Need to Know


Hypersonic missiles can travel faster than five times the speed of sound. Russia and China have invested heavily in different types of hypersonic missiles capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional warheads. The United States has also invested in its hypersonic missile technology. What are hypersonic weapons capable of, and what dangers do they pose to international stability? Is another arms race under way?

*   [](/people/james-m-acton?lang=en)

*   [James M. Acton](/people/james-m-acton?lang=en)




Wagner Group: Are Russia’s Mercenaries a Threat to U.S. Interests?


Russia’s shadowy mercenaries known as the Wagner Group offer Moscow deniability on the battlefield and a cheap way to build influence across the globe.