🏳️Comprehensive Cancer Information - NCI

Website faviconcancer.gov

Accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive cancer information from the U.S. government's principal agency for cancer research.

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Improving the lives of all people through cancer research


For People Affected by Cancer


NCI is the nation’s trusted source for cancer information. We are here for you with information about causes and risk factors, symptoms, how cancer is diagnosed, and treatment options.

*   [Find a Cancer Type](/types)

*   [Treatment](/about-cancer/treatment)

*   [Side Effects](/about-cancer/treatment/side-effects)

*   [Causes & Prevention](/about-cancer/causes-prevention)

*   [Diagnosis & Staging](/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging)

*   [Find a Clinical Trial](/research/participate/clinical-trials-search)

For Researchers


Support for the best science underpins everything NCI does. Explore our resources to help researchers conduct their work and apply for funding and training opportunities.

*   [Funding Opportunities](/grants-training/grants-funding/funding-opportunities)

*   [Resources for Researchers](/research/resources)

*   [Apply for a Grant](/grants-training/apply-grant)

*   [Find a Research Contact](/grants-training/grants-funding/contacts)

*   [Research Areas](/research/areas)

Featured News and Research


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    Drug Combo Helps Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Live Longer

    Initial treatment with enzalutamide and talazoparib improved survival by more than a year for some men, trial shows.


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    For Some with Liver Cancer, Treatment Combination Looks to be Effective

    Positive results were seen in two trials that combined a procedure called TACE with two cancer drugs.


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    Scientists Find Genetic Changes Linked to Childhood Cancer

    Large DNA changes likely contribute to around 1% to 6% of pediatric solid tumors.


Presidential Message on Colorectal Cancer


President Trump highlights advances in screening and prevention that are reducing deaths from colorectal cancer.

[Learn More](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/2025/03/presidential-message-on-colorectal-cancer-awareness-month-2025/)

NCI Fiscal Year 2026 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal


Each year, NCI prepares a plan for advancing cancer research and proposes the budget required to fund a broad research portfolio.

[Learn More](https://www.cancer.gov/research/leading-progress?cid=wl_cgov_hpfc_ap-rollout)

Get Answers


Connect with a cancer information specialist at 1-800-4-CANCER, through live chat, or by email.

[Get Started](/contact)

Our Organization


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    Senior Leaders

    Information about NCI senior leadership.


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    NCI Divisions, Offices, and Centers

    NCI has 30 divisions, offices, and centers who work together to build, maintain, and enhance a cohesive and comprehensive cancer research agenda.


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    Advisory Boards and Review Groups

    NCI relies on advisory committees to provide advice on the National Cancer Program, NCI scientific priorities, and more.


Food Safety for People with Cancer