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        β€œDecapitated By A Helicopter Blade” Plus 13 Other Nightmare Ways Celebrities Died



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        19 Places You Should Probably Clean And Definitely Haven’t



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        Don’t Forget To Do This 1 Thing After Signing A Restaurant Receipt



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        β€œWelcome To Nazi America”: Americans Are Confessing What They Honestly Think Of Trump Threatening College Campuses For β€œIllegal” Protests



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        57 Nonsense Treats The Little Angel (Or Little Devil) On Your Shoulder Thinks You Should Get



    Pop Quiz 🧠



    ### If You Get A Complete 20/20 On This Female Historical Figures Quiz, I Will Stand Up And Applaud You



    ### Most People Can Only Name 7/15 Of These Birds, So To Really Impress Me, You’ll Have To Know At Least 9



    ### I’m Sorry, But I Highly Doubt Anyone Can Get A Perfect Score On This Specific Grammar Quiz




    ### So You Call Yourself A HARDCORE Swiftie? Can You Pass This EXTREMELY HARD Taylor Swift Trivia Quiz???



    ### Only Born And Raised Midwesterners Will Be Able To Get 15/15 On This Food Quiz


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    ### Only Millennials Can Recognize 25/27 Of These '90s Disney Movies


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        Let’s See Which Periodic Element Perfectly Pairs With Your Personality



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 5](https://www.buzzfeed.com/moderncan25/periodic-element-personality-quiz?open_comments=on)

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        The Internet Is Having A Huge Debate Over What It Takes For Women To Win Oscars After Sheryl Lee Ralph Said β€œSex Sells”



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        The Internet Is Already Discussing Who Should Replace Donald Trump, And Whether It’s Tim Walz



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 27](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyholt1/tim-walz-open-to-consider-presidential-run?open_comments=on)

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        Here’s What The β€œOctomom” Kids Look Like Now And What Natalie Suleman Herself Has To Say About The Whole Ordeal



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 7](https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/octomom-lifetime-update-natalie-suleman?open_comments=on)

    *   In the News



        People Are Dragging Democrats For Doing These 13 Things At Trump’s Joint Congress Session



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 59](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/things-that-democrats-did-at-trumps-congressional-session?open_comments=on)

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        37 Travel Products That You’ll \*Actually\* Use Time And Time Again



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        13 Things Hollywood Always Gets β€œWrong” About So Many Countries, Including The One Thing You β€œNever See” About The US



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 48](https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephlongo/things-hollywood-gets-wrongs-about-countries?open_comments=on)

    *   Internet Finds



        This Powerful Photo Of A Democratic Representative Yelling At Trump Is Going Viral And Pissing People Off



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 164](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/al-green-photo?open_comments=on)

    *   Celebrity



        Sorry, Meghan Markle Haters, β€œWith Love, Meghan” Proves That She Officially Got The Last Laugh



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 132](https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniesoteriou/with-love-meghan-markle-has-last-laugh?open_comments=on)

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        That Full Day Of Sightseeing Has Got Nothing On These 30 Comfy Shoes



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        This New Study Is Revealing How Detrimental Even A 3-Day Juice Cleanse Can Be To Your Overall Health



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 4](https://www.buzzfeed.com/katelinstecz/juice-cleanse-study-gut-health-brain?open_comments=on)

    *   Celebrity



        After Breaking Off His Engagement Last October, Channing Tatum Is Reportedly Dating A 25-Year-Old Model



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 17](https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/channing-tatum-inka-williams-dating?open_comments=on)

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        All 43 Useful Home Storage Products On This List Are Under $20



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        Here Are 21 Concerning Things About Gen Z Dating Culture, According To Older Generations



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 4](https://www.buzzfeed.com/amber-mckynzie/gen-z-dating-habits?open_comments=on)

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        30 Cheap Products That Work So Well, You’ll Be Convinced There’s Magic Involved



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        22 People Who Tried To Show Off Their Terrible Cooking And Got Roasted So Bad They Should Probably Just Delete Their Account



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 52](https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/cooking-and-food-roasts?open_comments=on)

    *   Celebrity



        People Are Loving Ellen Pompeo’s Extremely Honest Comments About Her Finances After Being On β€œGrey’s Anatomy” For So Long



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 37](https://www.buzzfeed.com/leylamohammed/ellen-pompeo-financial-security-greys-anatomy-praised?open_comments=on)

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        If You’re Slowly Running Out Of Space In Your Home, These 30 Wayfair Organizers Will Help



    *   Celebrity



        People Are Literally Crying At Amanda Seyfried Singing This Song To Jimmy Fallon, And You Need To See It, Too



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 11](https://www.buzzfeed.com/laurengarafano/amanda-seyfried-singing-on-jimmy-fallon?open_comments=on)

    *   Celebrity



        I Rounded Up Some Of The Longest And Shortest Speeches In Oscars History, And The Comparison Is Genuinely Hilarious



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 4](https://www.buzzfeed.com/leylamohammed/oscars-longest-vs-shortest-celebrity-speeches?open_comments=on)

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        Just 20 Pairs Of Jeans From Walmart Reviewers Really And Truly Swear By



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        27 Products From Sephora That’ll Earn \*And\* Keep Their Place In Your Routine



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        If Your Bathroom Is The Reason You Never Want Guests, These 29 Walmart Products Will Change That



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        Denise Richards Shared Her Extreme Views On Why She’d β€œNever Get Divorced” Even If She And Her Husband, Aaron Phypers, Hated Each Other



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 4](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ellendurney/denise-richards-said-shed-never-get-divorced?open_comments=on)

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        17 Social Norms That People Want Gone ASAP



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 79](https://www.buzzfeed.com/bendzialdowski/social-norms-that-we-want-gone?open_comments=on)

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        31 Walmart Products That Reflect Your Caviar Taste (Without Giving Away Your Actual Budget)



    *   Animals



        I’m Not A Dog Person, But These 37 Hilarious Dog Names Just Made Me Spit Out My Water And Yell, β€œAwwwww!"



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 70](https://www.buzzfeed.com/abbyzinman/funny-dog-name-ideas?open_comments=on)

    *   Celebrity



        After Going Sober, Chrissy Teigen Revealed She’s Giving Up Smoking As Well β€” And It Sounds Like A Struggle



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 37](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ellendurney/chrissy-teigen-reveals-shes-quitting-smoking?open_comments=on)

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        39 Excellent Products That Honestly Each Deserve A Trophy



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        Minimum Effort Needed: 21 Easy Target Products To Help You Look More Polished



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        30 Wayfair Products That’ll Feel Like You Abracadabra’d Your Way To A New Home



    *   Internet Finds



        People Are Sharing Their Small-Town Scandals, Tragedies, And Incidents, And They’re Seriously Unsettling



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 53](https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/shocking-small-town-tragedies-and-scandals?open_comments=on)

    *   Buzz



        This New Oracle Card Game Read My Future And Predicted Pure Magic. What Future Do The Cards See For YOU?



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 15](https://www.buzzfeed.com/taylor_barraclough/oracle-card-game?open_comments=on)

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        27 Stylish Clothing Pieces From Eloquii That Are Secretly…Super Comfy



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        27 Dresses From Lulus So Pretty I Just Had To Tell You About Them



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        To Ace This Quiz You Have To Either 1.) Really Know Dog Breeds, Or 2.) Really, REALLY Know Dog Breeds



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 37](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ellie4me/dog-breeds-trivia-quiz?open_comments=on)

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        Tell Us The Most Unreasonable Thing Someone Getting Married Expected You To Spend Money On For Their Wedding



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 11](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/unfair-wedding-expenses-add-yours?open_comments=on)

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        27 Walmart Toys That’ll Keep Your Kids Entertained Long Enough For You To Actually Finish A Cup Of Coffee



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        People Who Studied Abroad, What Was Your Wildest Experience With Your Host Family?



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 4](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/add-yours-host-family?open_comments=on)

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        34 Funny, Off-Kilter Things You’ll Love If You’re Just A Little Weird



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        It Might Sound A Little Wild, But I’m 99.13% I Can Guess Your Birth Order Based Simply On Taylor Swift Songs



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 35](https://www.buzzfeed.com/redswiftie09/taylor-swift-songs-birth-order?open_comments=on)

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        21 Pieces Of Furniture From Article That’ll Take Your Living Room To The Next Level



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        Keke Palmer And SZA’s β€œOne Of Them Days” Is The Female Friendship Comedy We Needed



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 1](https://www.buzzfeed.com/adaenechi/keke-palmer-talks-one-of-them-days?open_comments=on)

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        Limited Kitchen Space Is No Longer Such A Hurdle With These 35 Space-Saving Products



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        31 Products People Who Work From Home Actually Use



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        If You’re Looking To Give Your Beauty Routine A Glow-Up, You’ll Definitely Want These 25 Target Products



    *   Parents



        People Are Sharing β€œOld Person” Habits They’ve Adopted That Have Made Life So Much Better



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 202](https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahloewentheil/best-habits-of-elderly-people?open_comments=on)

    *   Shopping



        43 Swaps For More Expensive Products That Are So Good, You’ll Want To Cry Happy Tears



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        33 Beauty Products With A Well-Deserved Cult Following, And Once You Try Them, You’ll Join The Party



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        23 Elevated Basics That’ll Make You Feel Oh-So-Chic



    *   TV & Movies



        People Are Sharing The Most Horrifying Moments In Non-Horror Movies, And I Advise You Not To Read This Post Late At Night



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 69](https://www.buzzfeed.com/jeremyhayes/people-share-horrifying-non-horror-movie-moments?open_comments=on)

    *   In the News



        These 2020 Trump Voters Weighed In How They Feel About Him As A President In 2025, And Their Answers Are NOT What You’d Expect



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 183](https://www.buzzfeed.com/sienaegiljum/trump-2020-voters-react-now?open_comments=on)

    *   Community



        Any Cream Cheese Lovers Out There? Choose Your Favorite Flavor!



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 37](https://www.buzzfeed.com/oldtraveler466/philadelphia-cream-cheese-showdown?open_comments=on)

    *   TV & Movies



        37 Movie Couples Who Were Seriouslyyyyy Lacking In On-Screen Chemistry



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        *   [The amount of the post comments: 80](https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/movie-couples-with-no-chemistry?open_comments=on)

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