🏳️Bumble | Date, Chat, Meet New People & Network Better

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Bumble has changed the way people date, create meaningful relationships & network with women making the first move. Meet new people & download Bumble.

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Make the next move


It’s better on the app.

[Download now](https://bumble.onelink.me/3396940749/yuhjm82c)

[Sign In](/get-started?utm_source=ab-test&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=bumble_web_sign_in&utm_id=bumble-web-sign-in&utm_content=hero-block)

Bring your bar back up to where it belongs


You deserve better, so we’ve designed great ways for you to date more and stress less.

[See what’s new](/date)

We’re not just for dating


*   [Meet someone with Bumble Date](/date)

    Find someone you actually want to date, then go ahead and Make the First Move. Make genuine connections, vibe over what you both love, and most importantly, have fun.

*   [Find new friends on Bumble For Friends](/bff)

    Meet someone like you. Or unlike you. Make new friends and find new things to do together—whether you’re home or away.

*   [Make career moves with Bumble Bizz](/bizz)

    Find friends with work benefits. Connect with other business professionals to find your next job, a mentor or even a whole new career.

Make the first move™


We’re the only app that makes dating better by putting women’s experiences first. Because when things are better for women, they’re better for everyone.

[About Bumble](/about)

If it worked for them, it could work for you


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*   [Hannah Met Her Now-Husband on Bumble.](/the-buzz/bumble-for-friends-success-story-hannah-ashlyn)

    A Few Months Later, She Met One of Her Bridesmaids There, Too

*   Brian and Kaci

    Brian and Kaci Were Stationed Overseas Together—But They Met on Bumble

*   Carène and You-Liang

    Before building their tiny house together Carène and You-Liang met on Bumble, where You-Liang was drawn in by Carène’s travel pics.

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