🏳️WebKit Bugzilla

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Welcome to WebKit Bugzilla


The web browser engine used by Safari, Mail, Messages, and many other apps on macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Linux.

[Create an account](/createaccount.cgi) to [report WebKit rendering engine bugs](/enter_bug.cgi?product=WebKit), [JavaScriptCore bugs](/enter_bug.cgi?product=WebKit&component=JavaScriptCore), [accessibility bugs](/enter_bug.cgi?product=WebKit&component=Accessibility), or [Web Inspector bugs](/enter_bug.cgi?product=WebKit&component=Web+Inspector).

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### Past Day of New Bugs

Bugs reported in the last 24 hours


### Past Week of New Bugs

Bugs reported in the last 7 days


### Past Day of Modified Bugs

Bugs changed in the last 24 hours


### Past Week of Modified Bugs

Bugs changed in the last 7 days


*   *   [New](enter_bug.cgi)

    *   [Browse](describecomponents.cgi)

    *   [Reports](report.cgi)

    *   [Requests](request.cgi)