🏳️Brightcove | Leading Video Hosting & Streaming Platform

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Brightcove’s secure and scalable streaming platform empowers organizations to host, share, and monetize video content with reliability and ease. Elevate your video strategy—get a demo today.

[Contact us](https://www.brightcove.com/contact-sales/)


[+1 888 882-1880](tel:+1%20888%20882%201880)

[M-F 8am to 8pm EST](tel:+1%20888%20882%201880)



*   Products

    *   *   *   #### All-in-One Studio Bundles

                *   [

                    ##### Marketing Studio Popular

                    Sell more with easy video distribution and analytics for global brands](/products/marketing-studio/)

                *   [

                    ##### Communications Studio

                    Keep dispersed workforces engaged and on the same page with video](/products/communications-studio)

                *   [

                    ##### Media Studio

                    Grow your audience and monetize your content with complete flexibility](/products/media-studio)

                #### Stand-alone Products

                *   [

                    ##### Brightcove Audience Insights

                    Advanced analytics that provide an up-close look at viewer behavior](/products/audience-insights)

                *   [

                    ##### Brightcove AI Content Suite New

                    Automate tasks with AI to boost engagement effortlessly](/ai-solutions/)

                *   [

                    ##### Zencoder®

                    Incredibly fast, reliable, versatile, and flawless video encoding](/products/zencoder)

                #### Services by Brightcove

                *   [

                    ##### Custom Solutions And Workflows

                    With unmatched expertise, our team will help solve any video challenge](https://www.brightcove.com/services/global-services/)

                *   [

                    ##### Ad Monetization

                    Be sure you’re wringing every bit of revenue out of your ad strategy](/products/ad-monetization)

                *   [

                    ##### Marketplace

                    Enhance your Brightcove Streaming Solutions through our world-class Partnerships](https://marketplace.brightcove.com/)

*   Solutions

    *   *   *   #### Industry Solutions

                *   [

                    ##### For Retail

                    Build your brand and sell more, both online and in physical stores](/solutions/video-commerce)

                *   [

                    ##### For FinServ

                    Video is an essential tool to build trust and simplify complex topics](/solutions/financial-services)

                *   [

                    ##### For Tech Companies

                    Don’t just add to the digital noise–rise above it with video](/solutions/saas)

                #### Solution Guides

                *   [

                    ##### Marketing to Customers

                    Sales start with engagement, and nothing engages customers like video](/resources/video-moves-customer-journey)

                *   [

                    ##### Supporting Employees

                    Keep your teams motivated, informed, and on the same page with video](/solutions/video-strengthens-employee-lifecycle)

                *   [

                    ##### Monetize Your Media

                    Discover the best model(s) for your content, audience, and business](/maximize-media-revenue)

                #### Solutions by Role

                *   [

                    ##### For Livestreamers

                    Feature-filled live video you can count on for any size audience](/solutions/live-streaming)

                *   [

                    ##### For Developers

                    When you have to explain something, don’t just say it–show it](/solutions/developer-solutions)

                *   [

                    ##### For Sales

                    Put the power of video in the hands of your sellers](/campaigns/marketing-studio-for-sales/)

*   Resources

    *   *   *   #### More from Brightcove

                *   [

                    ##### Resource Center

                    Everything you need to get the most out of our technology](/resources/resource-center)

                *   [

                    ##### Customer Stories

                    Get inspiration and ideas from our customers’ innovative use of video](/customers)

                *   [

                    ##### Blog

                    Stay up to date on everything from new features to new use cases](/resources/blog)

                #### Reports & News

                *   [

                    ##### Analyst Coverage

                    Explore the latest news and reports from industry experts](/resources/analyst-coverage/)

                *   [

                    ##### Events

                    Network and develop your skills at an in-person or virtual gathering](https://www.brightcove.com/events/)

                *   [

                    ##### Sign Up for Email Updates

                    The best way to stay on top of everything going on at Brightcove](https://www.brightcove.com/newsletter-signup/)

                #### Helpful tools

                *   [

                    ##### Brightcove Academy

                    A wide range of on-demand courses to keep your skills sharp](/resources/academy)

                *   [

                    ##### CAE Calculator

                    Find out how much money you could save with Context-Aware Encoding](/resources/cae-calculator/)

                *   [

                    ##### PLAYTV by Brightcove

                    The latest news from the constantly changing world of video](https://playtv.brightcove.com/watch/)

*   Company

    *   *   *   #### About Brightcove

                *   [

                    ##### About Us

                    Learn more about our mission and what drives us as a company](/company/about)

                *   [

                    ##### Careers

                    We’re always on the lookout for innovators–check out our open roles](/company/careers)

                *   [

                    ##### Leadership

                    Get to know the team that is moving Brightcove forward](/company/leadership)

                #### Brightcove News

                *   [

                    ##### Newsroom

                    When Brightcove news breaks, you’ll read it here first](/pressroom)

                #### Find Us

                *   [

                    ##### Global Offices

                    Addresses and contact info for our eight offices around the world](/contact-us)

                *   [

                    ##### ESG

                    Our approach to ESG reflects our commitment to our community](/company/about/esg)

*   [DEMO](/get-demo)

*   *   *   *   Search Brightcove.com



*   Sign in

    *   *   *   *   [

                    ##### Support Portal


                *   [

                    ##### Video Cloud


                *   [

                    ##### Zencoder


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    *   [Deutsch](https://www.brightcove.com/de/ "Deutsch")



[Start with Brightcove](https://www.brightcove.com/why-brightcove/)

Meet The Brightcove AI Content Suite


Harness the full potential of every piece of video content

[Check it out](/ai-solutions/)

Brightcove By the Numbers

Proven IMpact for our Customers


Streaming can have a huge impact on your business. And Brightcove can have a huge impact on your streaming. Check out our Forrester TEI Reports for both [Enterprise Organizations](/resources/downloads/studies/forrester-tei-study/) and [Media Organizations](/resources/downloads/studies/forrester-tei-study-media/)

### 225%

Return on investment

### 83%

less time managing content

### 15-25%

Increase in viewers

Reach Your Goals

One Emmy Award-winning streaming platform to reach ALL YOUR GOALS



### [Engage your audiences](https://www.brightcove.com/products/communications-studio/)

Streaming is the best way to attract and retain talent, engage your workforce, and strengthen your culture. [**See How**](/products/communications-studio/)


### [Sell more products](https://www.brightcove.com/products/marketing-studio/)

In a marketplace that grows more crowded by the day, streaming cuts through the noise — from awareness all the way to retention. [**Learn More**](/products/marketing-studio/)


### [Monetize your content](https://www.brightcove.com/products/media-studio/)

Creating compelling content takes time, money, and effort – so it has to drive revenue. [**Explore Products**](/products/media-studio/)

Maximize your ad dollars with Brightcove Ad Monetization


Let us support you across your advertising journey. Brightcove Ad Monetization is Brightcove’s end-to-end ad monetization service that helps you to grow and optimize your advertising strategy at scale.

[Learn more](https://www.brightcove.com/company/press/brightcove-launches-ad-monetization/)

Engage audiences like never before.


Give your viewers an experience that’s just like their favorite streaming platform and they’ll binge your content too. You can, with Brightcove CorpTV.

[See how](https://www.brightcove.com/solutions/corptv/)

If it's about streaming, you'll find it on PLAYTV.


Want to make better content? Want to monetize the content you already have? Want to know what’s brand new and what’s right around the corner? Have we got the streaming channel for you: welcome to PLAYTV.

[See how](https://playtv.brightcove.com/watch/)

Maximize your ad dollars with Brightcove Ad Monetization


Let us support you across your advertising journey. Brightcove Ad Monetization is Brightcove’s end-to-end ad monetization service that helps you to grow and optimize your advertising strategy at scale.

[Learn more](https://www.brightcove.com/company/press/brightcove-launches-ad-monetization/)

Engage audiences like never before.


Give your viewers an experience that’s just like their favorite streaming platform and they’ll binge your content too. You can, with Brightcove CorpTV.

[See how](https://www.brightcove.com/solutions/corptv/)

Our customers

Trusted by these great brands


##### Finastra

##### Sony Music

##### Major League Fishing

##### Finastra

##### **INCREASED ROI BY 26X** 

“We’ve been using Brightcove for many years, and we knew the quality and service there was exactly what we wanted to create our own channel.” 

**Jamie Stephien**   

Director of Digital Marketing

[Read about Finastra’s success.](https://www.brightcove.com/customers/finastra/)

##### Sony Music


“We were always nervous about large-scale livestreaming with more concurrent connections than we’ve ever had before. Brightcove has been instrumental in making it a success. We look forward to continuing to work closely with them.” 

**Mr. Tanaka**   

Executive Officer, Digital Business Company, Sony Music Solutions

[Read about Sony’s success.](https://www.brightcove.com/customers/sony-music/)

##### Major League Fishing


“Brightcove has been a really great partner with helping us find ways to reach more audiences and find new fans all across the globe.”

**Jared Collett**   

Head Of Digital Ad Operations

[Read about MLF’s success.](https://www.brightcove.com/customers/major-league-fishing/)



Hear how Brightcove can work for you by speaking with one of our streaming experts for a guided tour based on your needs.

[Talk to us](https://www.brightcove.com/contact-sales/)

#### Products

*   [Marketing Studio](/products/marketing-studio/)

*   [Communications Studio](/products/communications-studio/)

*   [Media Studio](/products/media-studio/)

*   [Audience Insights](/products/audience-insights/)

*   [Zencoder](/products/zencoder/)

#### Services

*   [Ad Monetization](/products/ad-monetization/)

*   [Global Services](/services/global-services/)

*   [Marketplace](https://marketplace.brightcove.com/)


*   [Interactivity](/products/interactivity/)

*   [Gallery](/products/gallery/)

*   [Player](/products/player)

*   [Insights](/products/insights-features/)

*   [Beacon App](/products/beacon/)

*   [Security](/products/security/)

*   [Accessibility](/products/accessibility)

*   [Integrations](/products/integrations/)

*   [Segment Sync](/products/segment-sync/)

#### Solutions

*   [Live Streaming](/solutions/live-streaming)

*   [CorpTV](/solutions/corptv/)

*   [Content Monetization](/solutions/content-monetization/)

*   [Video Marketing](/solutions/video-marketing/)

*   [Developer Solutions](/solutions/developer-solutions)

#### Resources

*   [Why Brightcove](/why-brightcove/)

*   [Resource Center](/resources/resource-center/)

*   [Blog](/resources/blog/)

*   [Analyst Coverage](/resources/analyst-coverage/)

*   [Events](/events/)

*   [Customer Stories](/customers/)

*   [Brightcove Community](https://community.brightcove.com/member/register)

*   [Channel Partners](https://marketplace.brightcove.com/?menu_open=1&partnerrelationship=26)

*   [Contact Support](https://supportportal.brightcove.com/s/login/?language=en_US)

*   [Product Documentation](https://support.brightcove.com/)

*   [Customer Support](/customer-support)

#### Company

*   [About Us](/company/about/)

*   [Leadership](/company/leadership/)

*   [Careers](/company/careers/)

*   [ESG](/company/about/esg/)

*   [Newsroom](/pressroom/)

*   [Global Offices](/contact-us/)

*   [Sign up for emails](/newsletter-signup/)

*   [Contact Us](/contact-sales/)


*   [Marketing Studio](/products/marketing-studio/)

*   [Communications Studio](/products/communications-studio/)

*   [Media Studio](/products/media-studio/)

*   [Audience Insights](/products/audience-insights/)

*   [Zencoder](/products/zencoder/)


*   [Ad Monetization](/products/ad-monetization/)

*   [Global Services](/services/global-services/)

*   [Marketplace](https://marketplace.brightcove.com/)


*   [Interactivity](/products/interactivity/)

*   [Gallery](/products/gallery/)

*   [Player](/products/player)

*   [Insights](/products/insights-features/)

*   [Beacon App](/products/beacon/)

*   [Security](/products/security/)

*   [Accessibility](/products/accessibility)

*   [Integrations](/products/integrations/)

*   [Segment Sync](/products/segment-sync/)


*   [Live Streaming](/solutions/live-streaming)

*   [CorpTV](/solutions/corptv/)

*   [Content Monetization](/solutions/content-monetization/)

*   [Video Marketing](/solutions/video-marketing/)

*   [Developer Solutions](/solutions/developer-solutions)


*   [Why Brightcove](/why-brightcove/)

*   [Resource Center](/resources/resource-center/)

*   [Blog](/resources/blog/)

*   [Analyst Coverage](/resources/analyst-coverage/)

*   [Events](/events/)

*   [Customer Stories](/customers/)

*   [Brightcove Community](https://community.brightcove.com/member/register)

*   [Channel Partners](https://marketplace.brightcove.com/?menu_open=1&partnerrelationship=26)

*   [Contact Support](https://supportportal.brightcove.com/s/login/?language=en_US)

*   [Product Documentation](https://support.brightcove.com/)

*   [Customer Support](/customer-support)


*   [About Us](/company/about/)

*   [Leadership](/company/leadership/)

*   [Careers](/company/careers/)

*   [ESG](/company/about/esg/)

*   [Newsroom](/pressroom/)

*   [Global Offices](/contact-us/)

*   [Sign up for emails](/newsletter-signup/)

*   [Contact Us](/contact-sales/)

© 2025 Brightcove Inc. All rights reserved.


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