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Cornell Lab Annual Report 2024 For conservation to succeed, it needs all the help we can marshall. That means combining our core strengths with partners’ ex ...

[Video Transcript](#)

\[upbeat music\] What bird is that? How much do they eat? Why are they so colorful? What's that bird doing? Curiosity gives rise to questions. Where do migratory birds go? What do birds tell us about our changing world? How can I help? Will they be here when I grow up? We are dedicated to finding answers together. Revealing how nature works. Linking a global community. Opening doors to the natural world. Transforming science into action. We are working together...to better understand our connections...to life on earth. \[LOGO\] The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, join us. \[music resolves\]

End Transcript

Cornell Lab Annual Report 2024


For conservation to succeed, it needs all the help we can marshall. That means combining our core strengths with partners’ expertise to extend our impact to all corners of the globe.

[Read Our Annual Report](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/annual-report/)

Monitoring Whimbrels on Deveaux Bank, South Carolina. _Photo by Andy Johnson._

Science and Innovation


The Cornell Lab is powered by science, technology, and millions of people around the globe—people like you.


eBird Status and Trend Maps reveal how birds are faring across continental scales. Explore the map for [Baltimore Oriole](https://science.ebird.org/en/status-and-trends/species/balori/trends-map?week=15).

Baltimore Oriole by [Matthew Plante / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/334289821).

[Join us](https://join.birds.cornell.edu/page/150611/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=WXXXXX03C) and help create a future where birds, nature, and people can thrive.

People Power


We believe that people make the difference in every conservation challenge. Through participatory science projects, practical conservation actions, and broad partnerships, we offer limitless ways for you to deepen your interests and passions.


*   Wood Thrush by [John Petruzzi / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/56732651) with graphic by Sarah Serrousi

    [Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/seven-simple-actions-to-help-birds/)

*   Tree Swallow by Marie Read

    [Find and monitor nests to help track success in the family lives of birds](https://nestwatch.org/)NestWatch

*   Yellow Warbler courtesy of Bird Academy

    [Take an online course to transform your understanding of birds](http://academy.allaboutbirds.org)Bird Academy

*   Pileated Woodpecker and Blue Jay by Bird Cams

    [Watch wild birds from around the world](http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/)Bird Cams

*   Northern Cardinal by [Bob Dunlap / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/76883571)

    [What’s that bird? Merlin Bird ID helps you find out](http://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/)Merlin

*   Golden-fronted Woodpecker by [Marcy Barbosa / BirdSpotter](https://feederwatch.org/birdspotter-2017/golden-fronted-woodpecker/)

    [Enjoy birds at your feeder and share your observations](https://feederwatch.org/)Project FeederWatch

*   Photo courtesy of eBird

    [Use eBird to save your birding memories and contribute needed data](https://ebird.org/home)eBird

*   Photo courtesy of CUBs

    [Connect with birds in your community with science, art, and events](https://celebrateurbanbirds.org/)Celebrate Urban Birds

*   Calliope Hummingbird by [Marya Moosman / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/49192871)

    [Explore sights and sounds of animals from around the world](https://www.macaulaylibrary.org/)Macaulay Library

*   Photo by Susan Spear

    [Teach about birds with inquiry-based activities and curricula](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/k12/)K–12 Education

*   Cornell Botanical Gardens by Justin Muir

    [Make your passion for birds part of your college studies](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/students/)Student Resources

*   Photo courtesy of eBird

    [Find resources for young birders](https://ebird.org/about/resources/for-young-birders)Young Birders Network


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Science to Action


We work with communities around the globe to inspire and inform conservation. Your support helps us find solutions for a sustainable planet alive with the beauty of birds—where humans and wildlife can thrive.

*   Elephant by Scott Anger/Lost Bird Films

    [How We Use Sound to Help Protect Elephants from Poaching](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/how-we-use-sound-to-help-protect-elephants-from-poaching-2/)

*   Coffee beans by Gustave Axelson

    [How Can a Great Cup of Coffee Support Birds, Farmers, and Local Communities?](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/how-can-a-great-cup-of-coffee-support-birds-farmers-and-local-communities/)

*   Philippine Eagle by Neil Rettig

    [Creating a New Chapter of Hope for One of the World’s Most Endangered Eagles](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/saving-the-great-philippine-eagle-one-of-the-worlds-rarest-eagles/)



We believe birds are a gateway to caring for the natural world. Help us spark curiosity and foster learning, [starting with the earliest ages](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/k12), through the [college years](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/students), and [lasting a lifetime](https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/). Our work aims to inspire and equip the next generation of science and conservation leaders.

Golden-crowned Kinglet by [Ezra J. Campanelli / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/432993771?__hstc=51647990.a4299c9ec0864b0080d4bd690cad3104.1691677262067.1691677262067.1692901065324.2&__hssc=51647990.1.1692901065324&__hsfp=1014341945)

Photo by Darcy Rose.

Barn Swallow by [Ryan Sanderson / Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/240408841?__hstc=51647990.a4299c9ec0864b0080d4bd690cad3104.1691677262067.1691677262067.1692901065324.2&__hssc=51647990.1.1692901065324&__hsfp=1014341945)

Photo by Darcy Rose.

Visit the Lab


Experience the Visitor Center’s NEW interactive indoor exhibits, view world class art, and explore 5 miles of trails in Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary.

*   [Visit Us](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/visit/)

*   [Virtual Experiences](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/virtual-experiences/)

*   [What to Do](https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/visit/what-to-do/)

Read Our Award-Winning  



Latest stories from our quarterly member magazine, _[Living Bird](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/living-bird-latest-issue/)_.

*   [Macaulay Library’s Best Bird Photos 2025](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/macaulay-librarys-best-bird-photos-2025/)

*   [Mexico’s Long Road to a Scarlet Macaw Revival](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/mexico-scarlet-macaw-revival-chiapas-lacandon-carabias/)

*   [Five Years After 3 Billion Birds Lost, Scientists Plan A Road to Recovery](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/3-billion-birds-declines-road-to-recovery-evening-grosbeak-yellowlegs/)

Join Us Today


Membership fuels discoveries to make the planet a better place for birds, for all wildlife, and for people.

[Join Now](https://join.birds.cornell.edu/page/150611/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=WXXXXX03C)

Macaulay Library


[Browse More Photos](https://search.macaulaylibrary.org/catalog?sort=rating_rank_desc)

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The Cornell Lab will send you updates about birds, birding, and opportunities to help bird conservation. Sign up for email and don’t miss a thing!

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by [Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library](https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/241476451?__hstc=51647990.3dc5fe082014142ec15bc4e8354ffb70.1708004873696.1708004873696.1708004873696.1&__hssc=51647990.1.1708004873697&__hsfp=589919331)

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