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Bureau of Economic Analysis


March 06, 2025

[U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, January 2025](https://www.bea.gov/news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-january-2025)


The U.S. monthly international trade deficit increased in January 2025 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit increased from $98.1 billion in December (revised) to $131.4 billion in January, as imports increased more than exports. The goods deficit increased $33.5 billion in January to $156.8 billion. The services surplus increased $0.2 billion in January to $25.4 billion.

[Current Release](https://www.bea.gov/news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-january-2025)

#### U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, January '25 Chart


#### U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, January '25 Chart


Principal Federal Economic Indicators



Gross Domestic Product

Q4 2024 (2nd)



Personal Income

January 2025



International Trade in Goods and Services

January 2025

\-$131.4 B


International Transactions

Q3 2024

\-$310.9 B

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### [Need Info on Regional Impacts? RIMS II Is for You](  /news/blog/2025-03-10/need-info-regional-impacts-rims-ii-you


March 10, 2025 | The BEA Wire

A blog from BEA Director Vipin Arora

In the alphabet soup of BEA acronyms, you’ve probably heard of GDP (gross domestic product). You might have heard of PCE (personal consumption expenditures, a fancy word for consumer spending). And you may have come across DPI (disposal personal income). But have you ever heard of RIMS II?

[Read More](  /news/blog/2025-03-10/need-info-regional-impacts-rims-ii-you


### [U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, January 2025](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-january-2025


March 6, 2025 | News Release

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit increased in January 2025 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit increased from $98.1 billion in December (revised) to $131.4 billion in January, as imports increased more than exports. The goods deficit increased $33.5 billion in January to $156.8 billion. The services surplus increased $0.2 billion in January to $25.4 billion.

[Read More](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-january-2025


### [Personal Income and Outlays, January 2025](  /news/2025/personal-income-and-outlays-january-2025


February 28, 2025 | News Release

Personal income increased $221.9 billion (0.9 percent at a monthly rate) in January, according to estimates released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Disposable personal income (DPI)—personal income less personal current taxes—increased $194.3 billion (0.9 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) decreased $30.7 billion (0.2 percent). Personal outlays—the sum of PCE, personal interest payments, and personal current…

[Read More](  /news/2025/personal-income-and-outlays-january-2025


### [Gross Domestic Product, 4th Quarter and Year 2024 (Second Estimate)](  /news/2025/gross-domestic-product-4th-quarter-and-year-2024-second-estimate


February 27, 2025 | News Release

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to the second estimate. In the third quarter, real GDP increased 3.1 percent. The increase in real GDP in the fourth quarter primarily reflected increases in consumer spending and government spending that were partly offset by a decrease in investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased.

[Read More](  /news/2025/gross-domestic-product-4th-quarter-and-year-2024-second-estimate


### [Travel and Tourism Satellite Account for 2018-2023](//apps.bea.gov/scb/issues/2025/02-february/0225-travel-tourism-satellite-account.htm


February 11, 2025 | Article

The travel and tourism industry—as measured by the real output of goods and services sold directly to visitors— increased 7.0 percent in 2023 after increasing 20.8 percent in 2022, according to the most recent statistics from BEA’s Travel and Tourism Satellite Account.

[Read More](//apps.bea.gov/scb/issues/2025/02-february/0225-travel-tourism-satellite-account.htm


### [U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, December and Annual 2024](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-december-and-annual-2024


February 5, 2025 | News Release

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit increased in December 2024 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit increased from $78.9 billion in November (revised) to $98.4 billion in December, as imports increased and exports decreased. The goods deficit increased $18.9 billion in December to $123.0 billion. The services surplus decreased $0.6 billion in December to $24.5 billion.

[Read More](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-december-and-annual-2024


### [Personal Income and Outlays, December 2024](  /news/2025/personal-income-and-outlays-december-2024


January 31, 2025 | News Release

Personal income increased $92.0 billion (0.4 percent at a monthly rate) in December, according to estimates released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Disposable personal income (DPI)—personal income less personal current taxes—increased $79.7 billion (0.4 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $133.6 billion (0.7 percent). Personal outlays—the sum of PCE, personal interest payments, and personal current…

[Read More](  /news/2025/personal-income-and-outlays-december-2024


### [Streamlining of News Release Packages Continues](  /news/blog/2025-01-30/streamlining-news-release-packages-continues


January 30, 2025 | The BEA Wire

The Bureau of Economic Analysis is streamlining our news release packages to reduce duplication and make it easier to find the information you need.

We have phased out news release highlights, which began years ago as abbreviated one-page documents for delivery by fax. The highlights mostly repeated news release content. In some cases, such as U.S. Personal Income and Outlays, extra elements like charts previously included in the…

[Read More](  /news/blog/2025-01-30/streamlining-news-release-packages-continues


### [Gross Domestic Product, 4th Quarter and Year 2024 (Advance Estimate)](  /news/2025/gross-domestic-product-4th-quarter-and-year-2024-advance-estimate


January 30, 2025 | News Release

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to the advance estimate. In the third quarter, real GDP increased 3.1 percent. The increase in real GDP in the fourth quarter primarily reflected increases in consumer spending and government spending that were partly offset by a decrease in investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased.

[Read More](  /news/2025/gross-domestic-product-4th-quarter-and-year-2024-advance-estimate


### [U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, November 2024](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-november-2024


January 7, 2025 | News Release

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit increased in November 2024 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit increased from $73.6 billion in October (revised) to $78.2 billion in November, as imports increased more than exports. The goods deficit increased $5.4 billion in November to $103.4 billion. The services surplus increased $0.9 billion in November to $25.2 billion.

[Read More](  /news/2025/us-international-trade-goods-and-services-november-2024


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Page last modified on 3/14/25