🏳️Bat Conservation International / Ending Bat Extinctions Worldwide

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Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, We’re working worldwide to ensure the survival of these extraordinary mammals.

The Future Needs All Of Us


### [Join the cause](/join-us) to end bat extinctions worldwide.

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We have the power


At Bat Conservation International, we’re fiercely passionate, expert conservationists and scientists who are leading the charge to ensure the worldwide survival of these extraordinary mammals.

Bats lead us to the best opportunities to protect nature anywhere in the world. Bats are vital to our world’s ecosystems and economy, but nearly 200 species are threatened with extinction.

The future needs all of us, now more than ever.

[About Us](https://www.batcon.org/about-us/)

Our mission is simple — to end bat extinctions worldwide.


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    ### Endangered species interventions


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    ### Protect & restore landscapes


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    ### Research & scalable solutions


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    ### Inspire through experience


The Facts


### We won’t stop as long as bats are threatened.


Years in operation with a global mission for bat conservation

**Jamaica Team poses for a photo in the jungle**  

Dr. Winifred Frick

The Facts


### We won’t stop as long as bats are threatened.


Countries with BCI supporters

Wyatt McSpadden

The Facts


### We won’t stop as long as bats are threatened.


Known bat species and counting

Hoary bat, Michael Durham/Minden Pictures

The Facts


### We won’t stop as long as bats are threatened.


Bats protected annually

**Mauritius Fruit Bat**  

Jacques de Speville

The Facts


### We won’t stop as long as bats are threatened.


and more, in agricultural and human health savings for the planet every year

pallid bat, J. Scott Altenbach

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Night Watch: A Worldwide Mission


In the locations where we work, our team is the last line of defense in saving bat species from extinction.

In this video series, three vital cave conservation projects come to life, showcasing efforts to protect some of the worlds most imperiled bats and the communities in which they live — Jamaica, Fiji, and Kenya.

[Watch the Series](https://www.batcon.org/nightwatch/)

Bat News


*   [](https://www.batcon.org/livin-large-western-mastiff-bats/)

    ### [Livin’ Large: Western Mastiff Bats](https://www.batcon.org/livin-large-western-mastiff-bats/)

    With a wingspan of almost two feet, the elusive western mastiff bat is the largest bat in the United States.

    [More](https://www.batcon.org/livin-large-western-mastiff-bats/ "Livin’ Large: Western Mastiff Bats")

    Blog Post 3.11.25

*   [](https://www.batcon.org/this-bat-is-not-for-sale/)

    ### [This Bat is Not for Sale](https://www.batcon.org/this-bat-is-not-for-sale/)

    Threatened by the ornamental trade, painted bats may soon be illegal to sell in the United States.

    [More](https://www.batcon.org/this-bat-is-not-for-sale/ "This Bat is Not for Sale")

    Blog Post 3.5.25

*   [](https://www.batcon.org/bats-in-winter/)

    ### [Torpor: How Bats Chill](https://www.batcon.org/bats-in-winter/)

    When the air has turned cold and crisp, and the insects have gone away for the winter, what do bats do to make it through?

    [More](https://www.batcon.org/bats-in-winter/ "Torpor: How Bats Chill")

    Blog Post 2.25.25

*   [](https://www.batcon.org/species-spotlight-striped-leaf-nosed-bat/)

    ### [Species Spotlight: Striped Leaf-Nosed Bat](https://www.batcon.org/species-spotlight-striped-leaf-nosed-bat/)

    A conservation effort to save one species can help others.

    [More](https://www.batcon.org/species-spotlight-striped-leaf-nosed-bat/ "Species Spotlight: Striped Leaf-Nosed Bat")

    Blog Post 2.19.25

Pressing Needs


Bats face mounting threats every day. Your support ensures that we can be where bats need us most.

*   •Saving Bats Over 40 Years

*   •Charity Navigator Four Star Charity

*   •Charity Watch Top-Rated

*   [](https://www.batcon.org/join-us-other-ways-to-give/aswb/)

    ###### Urgent

    ### Save Their Forest and Their Future

    One of the most biologically diverse places on earth is under threat, and with it – the Antioquian sac-winged bat. Thought extinct until recently, this bat is at the mercy of unchecked mining and timber extraction. Help us bring back a species on the brink.


*   []( https://donor.batcon.org/page/FUNLACVMJXC)

    ###### CRUCIAL NEED

    ### Join The Roost

    Monthly givers are the lifeline for lasting, sustained conservation efforts. Bat conservation doesn’t happen in a day, but with your ongoing support, we can achieve long-term solutions to the challenges facing bats around the world.

    [JOIN]( https://donor.batcon.org/page/FUNLACVMJXC)

*   [](https://donor.batcon.org/-/XNLPVDZU)

    ###### URGENT

    ### Barely Hanging On

    Some of North America’s once most abundant bats have lost more than 90% of their populations. If we don’t take urgent action, they could disappear within our lifetimes. Will you help them survive White-nose Syndrome?


###### Fiji

#### Fijian Free-Tailed bat

Protect the last known maternity roost for the Fijian free-tailed bat


###### Comoros

#### Livingstone’s flying fox

Protecting a small island flying fox population.


###### Colombia

#### Mentor Bat- Colombia

Bat Conservation International is partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to co-lead the 2024 and 2025 MENTOR-Bat Program. MENTOR-Bat uses the [USFWS MENTOR Model](https://www.fws.gov/program/mentor-fellowship#:~:text=Building%20on%20academic%20and%20field,partnership%20that%20continues%20throughout%20the), which brings together teams of early-career professionals for training, mentoring, and implementation of projects that address major threats to wildlife populations.


###### Cameroon

#### Mentor Bat- Cameroon

Bat Conservation International is partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to co-lead the 2024 and 2025 MENTOR-Bat Program. MENTOR-Bat uses the [USFWS MENTOR Model](https://www.fws.gov/program/mentor-fellowship#:~:text=Building%20on%20academic%20and%20field,partnership%20that%20continues%20throughout%20the), which brings together teams of early-career professionals for training, mentoring, and implementation of projects that address major threats to wildlife populations.


###### Indonesia

#### Mentor Bat- Indonesia

Bat Conservation International is partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to co-lead the 2024 and 2025 MENTOR-Bat Program. MENTOR-Bat uses the [USFWS MENTOR Model](https://www.fws.gov/program/mentor-fellowship#:~:text=Building%20on%20academic%20and%20field,partnership%20that%20continues%20throughout%20the), which brings together teams of early-career professionals for training, mentoring, and implementation of projects that address major threats to wildlife populations.


###### Jamaica

#### Jamaican Flower bat and Jamaican Greater Funnel-eared bat

Protect two critically endangered bats in Jamaica.


###### Mexico and the United States

#### Mexican long-nosed bat and the Lesser long-nosed bat.

Restoring agave for nectar-feeding bats.


###### North America

#### Wind Energy

Reduce bat fatalities at wind energy facilities to protect vulnerable species


###### North America

#### North American Bat Monitoring Program

Leverage data and collaborate with partners to improve bat conservation across North America


###### North America

#### White-nose Syndrome

Develop and implement strategies to help bats survive White-nose Syndrome


###### Rwanda

#### Hill’s Horseshoe bat

Recover remaining Hill’s horseshoe bat populations in Central Africa


###### United States

#### Abandoned Mines

Protect and assess subterranean features for bat roosting habitat


###### United States

#### Bracken Cave Preserve

Protect America’s most economically valuable bat at Bracken Cave Preserve


###### United States

#### Conservation of Public Lands

Implement bat conservation on 258 million acres managed by the US Government


###### United States

#### Florida Bonneted bat

Conserve America’s rarest bat and its globally imperiled ecosystem


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#### Discover how our dedicated team is working to revive some of the world's most endangered bat species, from the lush landscapes of Kenya to the tropical havens of Jamaica and Fiji.

[Learn More](https://www.batcon.org/nightwatch/)

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