🏳️National Audubon Society

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Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.

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Audubon Magazine, Spring 2023. Photo: Karine Aigner

Conservation action through birds


Birds are telling us—in their behavior, in their dwindling numbers, in their silence—that we must take action now, and that we must take action where birds need us most, from the Arctic to Chile and everywhere in between.

**It’s time to rise to the occasion.**


We follow the science

Our science shows where birds go and what they need when they get there. We're prepared to heed that call.


We pair advocacy and diplomacy to influence decision makers

Audubon pairs diplomacy with advocacy to achieve conservation outcomes.


We inspire an expansive Audubon flock

Our chapters and centers are hubs that connect individuals and communities to Audubon and to action.


And, of course, we have birds

Birds delight and connect people across cultural, generational, and geographic boundaries. They inspire us to be better. And for 120 years, birds have been the heart and soul of Audubon.


[How You Can Help](/get-involved)

Common Raven. Photo: Vicki Jauron/Audubon Photography Awards

New in the Bird World


[](/news/alaskas-yakutat-tern-festival-seabirds-and-local-culture-soar "Visit  page") 

Arctic Tern near Yakutat, Alaska, May, 2024, during the Yakuat Tern Festival. Photo: Sydney Walsh/Audubon


[At Alaska’s Yakutat Tern Festival, Seabirds and Local Culture Soar](/news/alaskas-yakutat-tern-festival-seabirds-and-local-culture-soar)

The annual event highlights the remote village’s Aleutian Terns and Alaska Native community.

[Read more](/news/alaskas-yakutat-tern-festival-seabirds-and-local-culture-soar)


Aleutian Tern

Gulls and Terns

Play Aleutian Tern calls #1 sound

[More Bird News](/news)

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