Record and share your terminal sessions, the simple way.
Forget screen recording apps and blurry video. Experience a lightweight, text-based approach to terminal recording.
$ # Let's do something fun $ sha1sum /etc/f\* | tail -n 10 | lolcat -F 0.3 da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 /etc/ 88dd3ea7ffcbb910fbd1d921811817d935310b34 /etc/fstab.hd 442a5bc4174a8f4d6ef8d5ae5da9251ebb6ab455 /etc/ftpd.conf 442a5bc4174a8f4d6ef8d5ae5da9251ebb6ab455 /etc/ftpd.conf.default d3e5fb0c582645e60f8a13802be0c909a3f9e4d7 /etc/ftpusers $ # Cool! $ # Let's end the recording session by exiting the shell $ exit asciinema: recording finished asciinema: asciicast saved to demo.cast \> # We'll replay it in the terminal to see if it's any good \> asciinema play demo.cast $ # This is a new shell instance, which is being recorded
00:00\-03:5100:15 - Recording01:27 - Replaying02:36 - Uploading to asciinema.org03:08 - Closing wordsKeyboard shortcuts (?)Fullscreen (f)
### asciinema _\[as-kee-nuh-muh\]_ is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. Read about [how it works](
Easy recording
Record right where you work - in a terminal. To start, run `asciinema rec demo.cast`, to end press ctrl+d or type `exit`.
[Get started »](
Copy & paste
When viewing a recording just pause the player and copy-paste the content you want. It's just text after all!
Easily embed asciinema player in your blog post, project documentation or in conference talk slides.
[See docs on embedding »](
Example sessions recorded with asciinema
### [PlayStation Store CLI](/a/569377) 00:26
[](/~darkwark "darkwark")by [darkwark](/~darkwark) featured
### [tgrav - Terminal gravity simulator](/a/656354) 00:07
[](/~temhelk "temhelk")by [temhelk](/~temhelk) featured
### [untitled](/a/690157) 00:10
[](/~jrvieira "jrvieira")by [jrvieira](/~jrvieira) featured
### [EZ JSON](/a/630420) 00:34
[](/~nebusoku "nebusoku")by [nebusoku](/~nebusoku) featured
### [ChatDBG for lldb](/a/657273) 00:47
[](/~stephenfreund "stephenfreund")by [stephenfreund](/~stephenfreund) featured
### [Worldle-CLI](/a/645958) 00:18
[](/~godlike "godlike")by [godlike](/~godlike) featured
[Explore more](/explore)