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Home page of The Apache Software Foundation

Software for the Public Good[¶](#software-for-the-public-good "Permalink")


ASF’s open source software is used ubiquitously around the world with more than 8,400 committers contributing to more than 320 active projects.

[See All Projects](/index.html#projects-list)[Contribute](https://community.apache.org/)


The ASF is celebrating its 25th anniversary. [Learn more and participate](/asf25years)

> "The most popular open source software is Apache…"

> "Apache-style licensing may yield more adoption and money."

> "Apache’s 'survival of the fittest' ethos breeds better software"

❮ ❯

Latest News[¶](#latest-news "Permalink")


Keep up with the ASF's news and announcements by subscribing to the [Apache Announcements List](/foundation/mailinglists.html#foundation-announce), as well as following the [Foundation Blog](https://news.apache.org/), and [the Voice of Apache podcast](https://feathercast.apache.org/).

Foundation Blog

##### [ASF Plus One Newsletter: February 2025](https://news.apache.org/?p=6310)

[Continue Reading →](https://news.apache.org/?p=6310)

Foundation Blog

##### [The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Ignite® 3.0](https://news.apache.org/?p=6306)

[Continue Reading →](https://news.apache.org/?p=6306)

Foundation Blog

##### [The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Sling™ 13](https://news.apache.org/?p=6277)

[Continue Reading →](https://news.apache.org/?p=6277)



#### [Reports](/foundation/reports.html)[¶](#reports "Permalink")

Read official ASF reports and statements from the ASF including annual reports, diversity reports, and more.



#### [Plus One Newsletter](https://news.apache.org/foundation/entry/asf-plus-one-newsletter-october-2024)[¶](#plus-one-newsletter "Permalink")

Plus One is the ASF's monthly bulletin to showcase major milestones, news, events, and activities across the ASF project ecosystem. At the bottom of the blog, you can subscribe to get real-time notifications when a new edition is released.



#### [The Apache Way](/theapacheway/index.html)[¶](#the-apache-way "Permalink")

Our consensus-driven, open development process was refined over the past 20 years and produced some of the largest and longest-lived Open Source projects that have revolutionized the industry.



#### [Community Over Code](https://communityovercode.org/)[¶](#community-over-code "Permalink")

"Community Over Code - or C/C - is our annual flagship conference offering unparalleled educational, networking, and collaboration opportunities.

About the Foundation[¶](#about-the-foundation "Permalink")


The ASF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization run almost exclusively by volunteers who oversee hundreds of projects. Our sponsors enable us to maintain the infrastructure needed to support them.

[Governance](/foundation/)[See our sponsors](/foundation/thanks)

ASF Projects[¶](#asf-projects "Permalink")


The ASF develops, stewards, and incubates hundreds of freely available, enterprise-grade projects that serve as the backbone for the most visible and widely used applications in computing today.

### Contribute[¶](#contribute "Permalink")

If you wish to contribute to ASF projects, the Community Development site has tools, processes, and advice to help you get started.

[Get Started](https://community.apache.org/)

### Host a Project[¶](#host-a-project "Permalink")

The Apache Incubator provides a path for projects and their communities that want to enter the ASF.

[Learn more](https://incubator.apache.org/)

### Featured Projects[¶](#featured-projects "Permalink")

*   [Portable Runtime (APR)](#apr)

*   [Storm](#storm)

*   [CloudStack](#cloudstack)

#### [Portable Runtime (APR)](http://apr.apache.org/)

Apache Portable Runtime libraries

[Learn More...](http://apr.apache.org/)

#### [Storm](http://storm.apache.org/)

Distributed, real-time computation system

[Learn More...](http://storm.apache.org/)

#### [CloudStack](http://cloudstack.apache.org/)

Infrastructure as a Service solution

[Learn More...](http://cloudstack.apache.org/)

### Incubating Projects[¶](#incubating-projects "Permalink")

The Apache Incubator is the primary entry path into The Apache Software Foundation for projects and their communities wishing to become part of the Foundation’s efforts. All code donations from external organisations and existing external projects seeking to join the Apache community enter through the Incubator.

*   [XTable](#xtable)

*   [Cloudberry](#cloudberry)

*   [GraphAr](#graphar)

#### [XTable](http://xtable.incubator.apache.org/)

XTable is an omni-directional converter for table formats that facilitates interoperability across data processing systems and query engines.

[Learn More...](http://xtable.incubator.apache.org/)

#### [Cloudberry](http://cloudberry.incubator.apache.org/)

Cloudberry Database, built on the latest PostgreSQL kernel, is one of the most advanced and mature open-source MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) databases available.

[Learn More...](http://cloudberry.incubator.apache.org/)

#### [GraphAr](http://graphar.incubator.apache.org/)

GraphAr is an open-source and language-independent data file format designed for efficient graph data storage and retrieval.

[Learn More...](http://graphar.incubator.apache.org/)

Apache Project List[¶](#apache-project-list "Permalink")


*   [Overview](https://projects.apache.org/)

*   [All Projects](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html)

#### By Category[¶](#by-category "Permalink")

*   [Attic](http://attic.apache.org/ "A home for dormant projects")

*   [Big Data](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#big-data)

*   [Build Management](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#build-management)

*   [Cloud](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#cloud)

*   [Content](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#content)

*   [Databases](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#database)

*   [FTP](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#ftp)

*   [Graphics](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#graphics)

*   [HTTP](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#http)

*   [HTTP-module](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#httpd-module)

*   [Incubating](http://incubator.apache.org/ "Entry path for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts")

*   [JavaEE](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#javaee)

*   [Libraries](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#library)

*   [Mail](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#mail)

*   [Mobile](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#mobile)

*   [Network-client](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#network-client)

*   [Network-server](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#network-server)

*   [OSGi](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#osgi)

*   [RegExp](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#regexp)

*   [Retired](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#retired)

*   [Search](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#search)

*   [Security](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#security)

*   [SQL](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#sql)

*   [Testing](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#testing)

*   [Virtual-machine](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#virtual-machine)

*   [Web-framework](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#web-framework)

*   [XML](https://projects.apache.org/projects.html?category#xml)

#### By Name[¶](#by-name "Permalink")

*   [HTTP Server](http://httpd.apache.org/ "Apache Web Server (httpd)")

*   A

*   [AGE](http://age.apache.org "a multi-model database that enables graph and relational models built on PostgreSQL")

*   [APISIX](http://apisix.apache.org "a cloud-native microservices API gateway")

*   [Accumulo](http://accumulo.apache.org/ "Sorted, distributed key/value store")

*   [ActiveMQ](http://activemq.apache.org/ "Distributed Messaging System")

*   [Airavata](http://airavata.apache.org/ "Workflow and Computational Job Management Middleware")

*   [Airflow](http://airflow.apache.org/ "workflow automation and scheduling that can be used to author and manage data pipelines")

*   [Allura](http://allura.apache.org/ "Forge software for hosting software projects")

*   [Ambari](http://ambari.apache.org/ "Hadoop cluster management")

*   [Answer](http://answer.apache.org "A Q-and-A platform software for teams at any scales")

*   [Ant](http://ant.apache.org/ "Java-based build tool")

*   [Aries](http://aries.apache.org/ "Enterprise OSGi application programming model")

*   [Arrow](http://arrow.apache.org/ "Powering Columnar In-Memory Analytics")

*   [AsterixDB](http://asterixdb.apache.org/ "open source Big Data Management System")

*   [Atlas](http://atlas.apache.org/ "scalable and extensible set of core foundational governance services")

*   [Attic](http://attic.apache.org/ "A home for dormant projects")

*   [Avro](http://avro.apache.org/ "A Serialization System")

*   [Axis](http://axis.apache.org/ "Java SOAP Engine")

*   B

*   [BVal](http://bval.apache.org/ "JSR-303 Bean Validation Implementation and Extensions")

*   [Beam](http://beam.apache.org/ "Programming model, SDKs, and runners for defining and executing data processing pipelines")

*   [Bigtop](http://bigtop.apache.org/ "Apache Hadoop ecosystem integration and distribution project")

*   [BookKeeper](http://bookkeeper.apache.org/ "Replicated log service which can be used to build replicated state machines")

*   [Brooklyn](http://brooklyn.apache.org/ "Framework for modeling, monitoring, and managing applications through autonomic blueprints")

*   [BuildStream](http://buildstream.apache.org "efficiently and correctly developing, building and integrating software stacks")

*   [bRPC](http://brpc.apache.org "an industrial-grade RPC framework for building reliable and high-performance services")

*   C

*   [CXF](http://cxf.apache.org/ "Service Framework")

*   [Calcite](http://calcite.apache.org/ "Dynamic data management framework")

*   [Camel](http://camel.apache.org/ "Spring based Integration Framework which implements the Enterprise Integration Patterns")

*   [CarbonData](http://carbondata.apache.org/ "indexed columnar data format for fast analytics on big data platform")

*   [Cassandra](http://cassandra.apache.org/ "Highly scalable second-generation distributed database")

*   [Causeway](http://causeway.apache.org/ "Framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps in Java")

*   [Cayenne](http://cayenne.apache.org/ "User-friendly Java ORM with Tools")

*   [Celeborn](http://celeborn.apache.org "an intermediate data service for big data computing engines to boost performance, stability, and flexibility")

*   [Celix](http://celix.apache.org/ "Implementation of the OSGi specification adapted to C")

*   [CloudStack](http://cloudstack.apache.org/ "Infrastructure as a Service solution")

*   [Commons](http://commons.apache.org/ "Reusable Java components")

*   [Community Development](https://community.apache.org/ "Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects")

*   [Cordova](http://cordova.apache.org/ "Platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript")

*   [CouchDB](http://couchdb.apache.org/ "RESTful document database")

*   [Creadur](http://creadur.apache.org/ "Comprehension and auditing of software distributions")

*   [Curator](http://curator.apache.org/ "Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper easier")

*   [cTAKES](http://ctakes.apache.org/ "Natural language processing (NLP) tool for information extraction from electronic medical record clinical free-text")

*   D

*   [DB](http://db.apache.org/ "Database access")

*   [Daffodil](http://daffodil.apache.org "an implementation of the Data Format Description Language (DFDL) used to convert between fixed format data and more readily processed forms such as XML or JSON")

*   [DataFu](http://datafu.apache.org/ "well-tested libraries that help developers solve common data problems in Hadoop and similar distributed systems")

*   [DataFusion](http://datafusion.apache.org "an extensible query engine")

*   [DataSketches](http://datasketches.apache.org "an open source, high-performance library of streaming algorithms commonly called \"sketches\" in the data sciences. Sketches are small, stateful programs that process massive data as a stream and can provide approximate answers, with mathematical guarantees, to computationally difficult queries orders-of-magnitude faster than traditional, exact methods")

*   [DeltaSpike](http://deltaspike.apache.org/ "Portable CDI extensions that provide useful features for Java application developers")

*   [Directory](http://directory.apache.org/ "Apache Directory Server")

*   [DolphinScheduler](http://dolphinscheduler.apache.org "a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces")

*   [Doris](http://doris.apache.org "a MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and analysis")

*   [Drill](http://drill.apache.org/ "Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Apache Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage")

*   [Druid](http://druid.apache.org "analytical database software")

*   [Dubbo](http://dubbo.apache.org/ "a high-performance, lightweight, java based RPC framework.")

*   E

*   [ECharts](http://echarts.apache.org "a charting and data visualization library written in JavaScript")

*   [Empire-db](http://empire-db.apache.org/ "Relational Data Persistence")

*   [EventMesh](http://eventmesh.apache.org "a fully serverless platform used to build distributed event-driven applications")

*   F

*   [Felix](http://felix.apache.org/ "OSGi Framework and components.")

*   [Fineract](http://fineract.apache.org/ "Platform for Digital Financial Services")

*   [Flagon](http://flagon.apache.org "thin-client behavioral logging capability useful for business analytics, usage analytics, usability and user testing")

*   [Flex](http://flex.apache.org/ "Application framework for expressive web applications that deploy to all major browsers, desktops and devices.")

*   [Flink](http://flink.apache.org/ "platform for scalable batch and stream data processing")

*   [Fluo](http://fluo.apache.org/ "Storage and incremental processing of large data sets")

*   [FreeMarker](http://freemarker.apache.org/ "a template engine.")

*   G

*   [Geode](http://geode.apache.org/ "Low latency, high concurrency data management solutions")

*   [Geronimo](http://geronimo.apache.org/ "Java2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container")

*   [Gobblin](http://gobblin.apache.org "a distributed data integration framework that simplifies common aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data ecosystems")

*   [Gora](http://gora.apache.org/ "ORM framework for column stores such as Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra with a specific focus on Hadoop")

*   [Griffin](http://griffin.apache.org/ "a data quality solution for big data, including both streaming and batch mode. It offers an unified process to measure data quality from different perspectives.")

*   [Groovy](http://groovy.apache.org/ "A multi-faceted language for the Java platform")

*   [Guacamole](http://guacamole.apache.org/ "providing performant, browser-based remote access")

*   [Gump](http://gump.apache.org/ "Continuous integration of open source projects")

*   H

*   [HBase](http://hbase.apache.org/ "Apache Hadoop Database")

*   [Hadoop](http://hadoop.apache.org/ "Distributed computing platform")

*   [Helix](http://helix.apache.org/ "A cluster management framework for partitioned and replicated distributed resources")

*   [Hive](http://hive.apache.org/ "Data warehouse infrastructure using the Apache Hadoop Database")

*   [Hop](http://hop.apache.org "a platform for data orchestration")

*   [HttpComponents](http://hc.apache.org/ "Java toolset of low level HTTP components")

*   [Hudi](http://hudi.apache.org "providing atomic upserts and incremental data streams on Big Data")

*   I

*   [Iceberg](http://iceberg.apache.org "managing huge analytic datasets using a standard at-rest table format that is designed for high performance and ease of use")

*   [Ignite](http://ignite.apache.org/ "High-performance, integrated and distributed in-memory platform for computing and transacting on large-scale data sets in real-time")

*   [Impala](http://impala.apache.org/ "a high-performance distributed SQL engine")

*   [InLong](http://inlong.apache.org "a one-stop data integration framework that provides automatic, secure, and reliable data transmission capabilities. InLong supports both batch and stream data processing at the same time, which offers great power to build data analysis, modeling, and other real-time applications based on streaming data")

*   [Incubator](http://incubator.apache.org/ "Entry path for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts")

*   [IoTDB](http://iotdb.apache.org "an IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis")

*   J

*   [JMeter](http://jmeter.apache.org/ "Java performance and functional testing")

*   [JSPWiki](http://jspwiki.apache.org/ "Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP)")

*   [Jackrabbit](http://jackrabbit.apache.org/ "Content Repository for Java")

*   [James](http://james.apache.org/ "Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server")

*   [Jena](http://jena.apache.org/ "Java framework for building Semantic Web applications")

*   [Johnzon](http://johnzon.apache.org/ "JSR-353 compliant JSON parsing; modules to help with JSR-353 as well as JSR-374 and JSR-367")

*   [Juneau](http://juneau.apache.org/ "a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content types using a common framework, and for creating sophisticated self-documenting REST interfaces and microservices using VERY little code")

*   [jclouds](http://jclouds.apache.org/ "Java cloud APIs and abstractions")

*   K

*   [Kafka](http://kafka.apache.org/ "Distributed publish-subscribe messaging system")

*   [Karaf](http://karaf.apache.org/ "Server-side OSGi distribution")

*   [Kibble](http://kibble.apache.org/ "an interactive project activity analyzer and aggregator")

*   [Knox](http://knox.apache.org/ "Simplify and normalize the deployment and implementation of secure Hadoop clusters")

*   [Kudu](http://kudu.apache.org/ "A distributed columnar storage engine built for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem")

*   [Kvrocks](http://kvrocks.apache.org "a distributed key-value NoSQL database, supporting the rich data structure")

*   [Kylin](http://kylin.apache.org/ "Extreme OLAP Engine for Big Data")

*   [Kyuubi](http://kyuubi.apache.org "a distributed and multi-tenant gateway to provide serverless SQL on data warehouses and lakehouses")

*   L

*   [Libcloud](http://libcloud.apache.org/ "Unified interface to the cloud")

*   [Linkis](http://linkis.apache.org "a distributed computation middleware to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines")

*   [Logging Services](http://logging.apache.org/ "Cross-language logging services")

*   Logo Development

*   [Lucene](http://lucene.apache.org/ "Search engine library")

*   [Lucene.Net](http://lucenenet.apache.org/ "Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users.")

*   M

*   [MADlib](http://madlib.apache.org/ "Scalable, Big Data, SQL-driven machine learning framework for Data Scientists")

*   [MINA](http://mina.apache.org/ "Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Application")

*   [Mahout](http://mahout.apache.org/ "Scalable machine learning library")

*   [ManifoldCF](http://manifoldcf.apache.org/ "Framework for connecting source content repositories to target repositories or indexes.")

*   [Maven](http://maven.apache.org/ "Java project management and comprehension tools")

*   [Mesos](http://mesos.apache.org/ "a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications")

*   [MyFaces](http://myfaces.apache.org/ "JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation and components")

*   [Mynewt](http://mynewt.apache.org/ "embedded OS optimized for networking and built for remote management of constrained devices")

*   N

*   [NetBeans](http://netbeans.apache.org/ "development environment, tooling platform, and application framework")

*   [NiFi](http://nifi.apache.org/ "Easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data")

*   [Nutch](http://nutch.apache.org/ "Open Source Web Search Software")

*   [NuttX](http://nuttx.apache.org "a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)")

*   O

*   [OFBiz](http://ofbiz.apache.org/ "Enterprise automation software")

*   [ORC](http://orc.apache.org/ "the smallest, fastest columnar storage for Hadoop workloads")

*   [Olingo](http://olingo.apache.org/ "OASIS OData protocol libraries")

*   [OpenDAL](http://opendal.apache.org "the creation and maintenance of software related to Open Data Access Layer: Access data freely, painlessly, and efficiently")

*   [OpenJPA](http://openjpa.apache.org/ "Object Relational Mapping for Java")

*   [OpenMeetings](http://openmeetings.apache.org/ "Web-Conferencing and real-time collaboration")

*   [OpenNLP](http://opennlp.apache.org/ "Machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text")

*   [OpenOffice](http://openoffice.apache.org/ "An open-source, office-document productivity suite")

*   [OpenWebBeans](http://openwebbeans.apache.org/ "JSR-299 Context and Dependency Injection for Java EE Platform Implementation")

*   [OpenWhisk](http://openwhisk.apache.org/ "a platform for building serverless applications with functions")

*   [Ozone](http://ozone.apache.org "a distributed object store for Hadoop-based and Cloud-native environments")

*   P

*   [PDFBox](http://pdfbox.apache.org/ "Java library for working with PDF documents")

*   [PLC4X](http://plc4x.apache.org/ "a set of libraries for communicating with industrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs) using a variety of protocols but with a shared API")

*   [POI](http://poi.apache.org/ "Java API for OLE 2 Compound and OOXML Documents")

*   [Paimon](http://paimon.apache.org "a unified lake storage to build dynamic tables for both stream and batch processing with big data compute engines, supporting high-speed data ingestion and real-time data query")

*   [Parquet](http://parquet.apache.org/ "columnar storage format available to any project in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem")

*   [Pekko](http://pekko.apache.org "a toolkit and an ecosystem for building highly concurrent, distributed, reactive and resilient applications for Java and Scala")

*   [Perl](http://perl.apache.org/ "Dynamic websites using Perl")

*   [Petri](http://petri.apache.org "assessment of, education in, and adoption of the Foundation's policies and procedures for collaborative development and the pros and cons of joining the Foundation")

*   [Phoenix](http://phoenix.apache.org/ "High performance relational database layer over Apache HBase for low latency applications")

*   [Pig](http://pig.apache.org/ "Platform for analyzing large data sets")

*   [Pinot](http://pinot.apache.org "distributed OLAP data store to provide Real-time Analytics to power wide variety of analytical use case")

*   [Portable Runtime (APR)](http://apr.apache.org/ "Apache Portable Runtime libraries")

*   [Portals](http://portals.apache.org/ "Portal technology")

*   [Pulsar](http://pulsar.apache.org/ "highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on commodity hardware")

*   Q

*   [Qpid](http://qpid.apache.org/ "Multiple language implementation of the latest Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)")

*   R

*   [Ranger](http://ranger.apache.org/ "framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform.")

*   [Ratis](http://ratis.apache.org "a highly customizable Raft protocol implementation in Java")

*   [RocketMQ](http://rocketmq.apache.org/ "a fast, low latency, reliable, scalable, distributed, easy to use message-oriented middleware, especially for processing large amounts of streaming data")

*   [Roller](http://roller.apache.org/ "Java blog server")

*   [Royale](http://royale.apache.org/ "improving developer productivity in creating applications for wherever Javascript runs (and other runtimes)")

*   [Rya](http://rya.apache.org/ "scalable storage, retrieval, and analysis of RDF data")

*   S

*   [SDAP](http://sdap.apache.org "an integrated data analytic center for Big Science problems")

*   [SINGA](http://singa.apache.org/ "a distributed deep learning platform")

*   [SIS](http://sis.apache.org/ "Spatial Information System")

*   [Samza](http://samza.apache.org/ "distributed stream processing framework")

*   [Santuario](http://santuario.apache.org/ "XML Security in Java and C++")

*   [SeaTunnel](http://seatunnel.apache.org "a very easy-to-use ultra-high-performance distributed data integration platform that supports real-time synchronization of massive data")

*   [Sedona](http://sedona.apache.org "a big geospatial data processing engine. It provides an easy to use APIs for spatial data scientists to manage, wrangle, and process geospatial data")

*   [Serf](http://serf.apache.org/ "High performance C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library")

*   [ServiceComb](http://servicecomb.apache.org/ "a microservice framework that provides a set of tools and components to make development and deployment of cloud applications easier.")

*   [ServiceMix](http://servicemix.apache.org/ "Enterprise Service Bus")

*   [ShardingSphere](http://shardingsphere.apache.org "a database clustering system providing data sharding, distributed transactions, and distributed database management")

*   [ShenYu](http://shenyu.apache.org "a Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance")

*   [Shiro](http://shiro.apache.org/ "Powerful and easy-to-use application security framework")

*   [SkyWalking](http://skywalking.apache.org/ "application performance management and monitoring (APM)")

*   [Sling](http://sling.apache.org/ "Web Framework for JCR Content Repositories")

*   [Solr](http://solr.apache.org "highly scalable distributed document search and analytics")

*   [SpamAssassin](http://spamassassin.apache.org/ "Mail filter to identify spam")

*   [Spark](http://spark.apache.org/ "Fast and general engine for large-scale data processing")

*   [Steve](http://steve.apache.org/ "Python based single transferable vote software system")

*   [Storm](http://storm.apache.org/ "Distributed, real-time computation system")

*   [StreamPark](http://streampark.apache.org "Make stream processing easier! Easy-to-use streaming application development framework and operation platform")

*   [StreamPipes](http://streampipes.apache.org "a self-service Industrial IoT toolbox which enables non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams")

*   [Struts](http://struts.apache.org/ "Model 2 framework for building Java web applications")

*   [Subversion](http://subversion.apache.org/ "Version Control")

*   [Superset](http://superset.apache.org "data exploration, analysis, visualization, and dashboarding")

*   [Synapse](http://synapse.apache.org/ "Enterprise Service Bus and Mediation Framework")

*   [Syncope](http://syncope.apache.org/ "Managing digital identities in enterprise environments")

*   [SystemDS](http://systemds.apache.org/ "A machine learning platform optimal for big data")

*   T

*   [TVM](http://tvm.apache.org "compilation of machine learning models to run on a wide range of hardware platforms")

*   [Tapestry](http://tapestry.apache.org/ "Component-based Java Web Application Framework")

*   [Tcl](http://tcl.apache.org/ "Dynamic websites using TCL")

*   [Tez](http://tez.apache.org/ "High-performance and scalable distributed data processing framework")

*   [Thrift](http://thrift.apache.org/ "Framework for scalable cross-language services development")

*   [Tika](http://tika.apache.org/ "Content Analysis and Detection Toolkit")

*   [TinkerPop](http://tinkerpop.apache.org/ "A graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP)")

*   [TomEE](http://tomee.apache.org/ "Java EE Web Profile built on Apache Tomcat")

*   [Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org/ "A Java Servlet and JSP Container")

*   [Traffic Control](http://trafficcontrol.apache.org/ "building, monitoring, configuring, and provisioning a large scale content delivery network (CDN)")

*   [Traffic Server](http://trafficserver.apache.org/ "A fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server")

*   [TsFile](http://tsfile.apache.org "a columnar storage file format designed for time series data")

*   [Turbine](http://turbine.apache.org/ "A Java Servlet Web Application Framework and associated component library")

*   U

*   [UIMA](http://uima.apache.org/ "Framework and annotators for unstructured information analysis")

*   [Uniffle](http://uniffle.apache.org "a unified remote shuffle service")

*   [Unomi](http://unomi.apache.org/ "providing a reference implementation of the OASIS Customer Data Platform specification currently being worked on by the OASIS Context Server Technical Committee")

*   V

*   [VCL](http://vcl.apache.org/ "Virtual Computing Lab")

*   [Velocity](http://velocity.apache.org/ "A Java Templating Engine")

*   W

*   [Web Services](http://ws.apache.org/ "Projects related to Web Services")

*   [Whimsy](http://whimsical.apache.org/ "Tools that help automate various administrative tasks or information lookup activities")

*   [Wicket](http://wicket.apache.org/ "Component-based Java Web Application Framework.")

*   X

*   [XML Graphics](http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/ "Conversion from XML to graphical output")

*   [Xalan](http://xalan.apache.org/ "XSLT processors in Java and C++")

*   [Xerces](http://xerces.apache.org/ "XML parsers in Java, C++ and Perl")

*   Y

*   [Yetus](http://yetus.apache.org/ "Collection of libraries and tools that enable contribution and release processes for software projects")

*   [YuniKorn](http://yunikorn.apache.org "a standalone resource scheduler responsible for scheduling batch jobs and long-running services on large scale distributed systems running in on-premises environments as well as different public clouds")

*   Z

*   [Zeppelin](http://zeppelin.apache.org/ "A web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics")

*   [ZooKeeper](http://zookeeper.apache.org/ "Centralized service for maintaining configuration information")