🏳️American Mathematical Society :: Homepage
The American Mathematical Society is an association of professional mathematicians dedicated to the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, and serves the national and international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs.
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### Honors & Awards
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* Learning & Careers
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* [Catalyzing Advocacy in Science & Engineering (CASE) Fellowship](/government/dc-case-fellowship)
* Giving
* [Giving to the AMS](/support-ams) — _Your gifts make great things happen for mathematics_ [Make a Gift](https://ebus.ams.org/ebus/Giving/MakeAGift.aspx?_ga=2.126038349.1919342640.1572527963-117346980.1572527963)
### [What You Can Support](/giving_op)
* [The 2020 Fund](/giving/2020Fund)
* [Next Generation Fund](/giving/nextgen)
* [Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars](/giving_op/birman-fellowship-fund)
* [JMM Child Care Grants](/child-care-grants)
* [Mathematics Research Communities](/giving_op/support-mrc)
* [MathSciNet for Developing Countries](/giving_op/mdc)
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* [Contact Us](/giving/contactus)
* About the AMS
* [About the AMS](/about) _— Advancing research. Connecting the mathematics community._
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### Governance Operations
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* [Policy Statements & Guidelines](/sec-ams-policystatements)
AMS members, we celebrate you on AMS Day! Check out the [exclusive offers](/ams-day) available December 2, 12 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. ET! Today is AMS Day! Check out the [exclusive offers](/ams-day) available to AMS members, now through 11:59 p.m. ET!
* [Research](#tab-research)
* [News](#tab-news)
* [Events](#tab-calendar)
* [Deadlines](#tab-deadlines)
Message from AMS Leadership
[Letter to the Community from AMS President Ravi Vakil and AMS CEO John Meier](https://www.ams.org/news?news_id=7442)
Dear AMS Colleagues,
We know the mathematical community has been tracking the executive orders and federal actions coming from Washington, DC. Like you, we are working to make sense of the situation, to advocate for robust and stable funding for science, and to ensure full participation for everyone interested in the mathematical sciences.
In addition to reporting on some recent actions, we are writing to urge you to share your stories with your elected officials.
**Committed to Our Community**
First, the AMS remains wholly committed to our mission and to championing everyone who wishes to pursue mathematics. In the midst of an unclear landscape, we continue to consistently advocate for educational and research funding in support of the mathematical sciences and for all who are engaged in its advancement.
**What We're Doing**
Below are descriptions of some of the recent steps taken by the Society.
* [**Office of Government Relations**](https://www.ams.org/government) (OGR)
As you can imagine, our OGR staff has been working nonstop in 2025 in coordination with many other scientific societies. Among other things, they have organized a significant increase in the number of Capitol Hill visits relative to recent years, arranging meetings between AMS members and staff with offices on both sides of the aisle.
[Read the full letter](https://www.ams.org/news?news_id=7442)
[Letter to the Community from AMS President Ravi Vakil and AMS CEO John Meier](/news?news_id=7442) _March 11, 2025_
[Make Your Voice Heard on Executive Orders Affecting NSF](/news?news_id=7438) _February 20, 2025_
[The Axiom of a Sonnet: Hart Gives the 2025 Einstein Public Lecture](/news?news_id=7441) _March 11, 2025_
[Celebrate Pi Day March 14](/publicoutreach/pi-day) _March 11, 2025_
[More News »](/news?class_id=1&expand=1&type=news)
[PUI Faculty Make the Most of AMS-Simons Research Grants](/news?news_id=7429) _February 04, 2025_
[BEGIN Bootcamp Jumpstarts Jobseekers at the JMM](/news?news_id=7428) _January 27, 2025_
[Big Math Down Under: Three Societies Meet in Auckland](/news?news_id=7408) _December 31, 2024_
[Strength in Numbers: AMS Committee on Education Visits Capitol Hill](/news?news_id=7367) _September 24, 2024_
[More Feature Stories »](/publicoutreach/featurestories)
29-30 Mar
### [Spring Central Sectional Meeting](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2321_program.html)
University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS
5-6 Apr
### [Spring Eastern Sectional](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2320_program.html)
University of Connecticut at Convention Center and Marriott | Hartford, CT
3-4 May
### [Spring Western Sectional Meeting](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2325_program.html)
California State Polytechnic University | San Luis Obispo, CA
### [2025 Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) Summer Conference](https://www.ams.org/learning-careers/profdev/research-communities/mrc-25)
Real Numerical Algebraic Geometry | Providence, RI
### [Fall Western Sectional Meeting](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2326_program.html)
University of Denver | Denver, CO
### [Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2328_program.html)
Tulane University | New Orleans, LA
### [Fall Central Sectional Meeting](https://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2322_program.html)
Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO
### [AMS-Simons Research Enhancement Grants for PUI Faculty - Applications](https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1717)
Application window is Jan 9-Mar 17, 2025
### [2025 Fall Central Sectional Meeting - Session Proposals](https://meetings.ams.org/math/props/cfp.cgi)
October 18-19, 2025| Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO
### [2025 Mathematical Congress of Americas (MCA) - Travel Grant Applications](https://www.ams.org/grants-awards/travel-grants/mca)
Jul 21-25, 2025 | Miami, FL
### [2025 Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting - Session Proposals](https://meetings.ams.org/math/props/cfp.cgi)
Oct 25-26, 2025| Online virtual meeting
### [AMS-Simons Travel Grant Program - Applications](https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1765)
Application window is Feb 15-Mar 31, 2025
### [AMS Fellows - Nominations](https://www.ams.org/grants-awards/ams-fellows/ams-fellows)
Recognizing members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics
### [Prize and Award Nominations](https://www.ams.org/prizes-awards/palist.cgi)
Leroy P. Steele Prizes for Mathematical Exposition, Seminal Contribution to Research, and Lifetime Achievement
### [AMS China Exchange Travel Grants- Applications](https://www.ams.org/grants-awards/travel-grants/china-exchange/china-exchange)
Supporting collaboration between mathematicians in U.S./Canada and China
### [Prize and Award Nominations](https://www.ams.org/prizes-awards/palist.cgi)
BĂ´cher, Chevalley, Cole Number Theory, Conant, Programs that Make a Difference, Doob, Eisenbud, Exemplary Program, Gordin, Impact on Teaching and Learning, Morgan, Stein Mentoring
### [Prize and Award Nominations](https://www.ams.org/prizes-awards/palist.cgi)
Babuška, Tomastik
### [2026 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting - Session Proposals](https://meetings.ams.org/math/props/cfp.cgi)
Mar 28-29, 2026 | Boston College, Chestnut Hill | Boston, MA
### [Prize and Award Nominations](https://www.ams.org/prizes-awards/palist.cgi)
JPBM Communications Award
### [2026 Spring Central Sectional - Session Proposals](https://meetings.ams.org/math/props/cfp.cgi)
Apr 18-19, 2026 | North Dakota State University | Fargo, ND
Get Involved
* [List your event on Mathematics Calendar](/meetings/calendar/mathcalendar.pl)
* [Suggest a speaker for a lecture or invited address](/lectures/suggestspeaker)
* [Volunteer for an AMS committee or nominate a colleague](/committee-nominate)
* [Ask Congress to support mathematics](/government/getinvolved-dc#/)
* [Contribute to Open Math Notes](/open-math-notes)
Member Journals
[Math in the Media](https://mathvoices.ams.org/mathmedia/)
Stay up-to-date with mathematics in current events and get ideas for classroom activities!
Also read Tony Phillips' deeper dives into recent mathematical developments.
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