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Ad Fontes Media is the home of the Media Bias Chart®. We rate the news and news-like sources for bias and reliability.

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Know the Reliability and Bias of the News


Home of the


Media Bias Chart®


*   Actionable data for advertisers, publishers, and tech platforms

*   Media literacy tools for educators and individuals

[Go to the Interactive Media Bias Chart](https://app.adfontesmedia.com/chart/interactive)

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Navigate the News Landscape with Confidence


In a biased and misleading news landscape, it’s essential to know where your information is coming from. That’s why we founded Ad Fontes Media: to help you navigate and know your news sources — in one place.

Our analysts come from a wide political spectrum and follow a careful, robust methodology to rate the news. Whether you’re a business, individual consumer, educator, or running a social media platform, you can use Ad Fontes Media to make better decisions.

[Learn More](https://adfontesmedia.com/about-ad-fontes-media/)

Our Enterprise Customers and Partners


We work with some of the most influential companies in the information ecosystem. Meet our partners.

Our Community


Members of our community, whom we affectionately call “News Nerds,” play a critical role in supporting our work and making sure it has an impact in the world. When you become an annual News Nerd member for $99, you get a merchandise pack with a Media Bias Chart wall poster and a coffee mug, in addition to several other benefits, including:

\-Premium access to our Interactive Media Bias Chart

\-Special community events and content

\-Discounts on additional merchandise

[Join us!](https://adfontesmedia.com/product/news-nerd-subscription/)

Differentiate news sources to make the best decisions


Ad Fontes Media helps businesses, consumers, educators, and platforms navigate today’s complex and dynamic news landscape. We provide data, tools, and educational resources for all stakeholders in quality news media.

[Explore all Services](https://adfontesmedia.com/pricing-services/#businesses)


#### [Brands, Agencies, and Platforms](https://adfontesmedia.com/data-subscription/)

Improve and maintain your brand safety and customer trust by making smart news choices.

[Learn More](https://adfontesmedia.com/data-subscription/)


#### [News Consumers](https://adfontesmedia.com/news-nerd/)

Consume with a critical eye. Never share a link to a questionable source with anyone.

[Learn More](https://adfontesmedia.com/news-nerd/)


#### [Educators, Researchers, and Institutions](https://adfontesmedia.com/imbc-edu-pro/)

Show your students the complex media landscape in one simple chart. Enhance your media literacy curriculums.

[Learn More](https://adfontesmedia.com/imbc-edu-pro/)


#### [Publishers](https://adfontesmedia.com/publisher-services/)

Know who’s who in the media landscape today. Protect your reputation tomorrow.

[Learn More](https://adfontesmedia.com/publisher-services/)

We Rate the News for Reliability and Bias to Help You Keep Track of the Media Landscape


Find the best information sources. Invest in responsible journalism. Make the news media industry healthier in the long run.

[Learn about our Data Platform](https://adfontesmedia.com/data-subscription/)

Where do Your Favorite Sources Fall?


With Ad Fontes Media, you can see the reliability and bias of new sources.


[Static chart](https://adfontesmedia.com/static-mbc/)

[Interactive chart](https://app.adfontesmedia.com/chart/interactive)

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**of the Media Bias Chart**, plus announcements  

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to improve the media landscape!

