Learn where any website's server is geographically located. Be an informed web traveler.
[Get the extension](/en-US/firefox/addon/flagfox/?
Extensions are like apps for Firefox.
They add features to Firefox to make browsing faster, safer, or just plain fun.
[See all extensions](/en-US/firefox/extensions/?
Productivity tools
[See staff picks](
YouTube customization
[See staff picks](
Privacy & Security extensions
[See staff picks](/en-US/firefox/collections/4757633/privacy-matters/?
* [SingleFile](/en-US/firefox/addon/single-file/?
Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.
Rated 4.8 out of 5
### gildas
### 68,167 users
* [Tab Session Manager](/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-session-manager/?
Save and restore the state of windows and tabs. It also supports automatic saving and cloud sync.
Rated 4.2 out of 5
### sienori
### 144,977 users
* [Tomato Clock](/en-US/firefox/addon/tomato-clock/?
Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension that helps with online time management.
Rated 4.5 out of 5
### Samuel Jun
### 35,235 users
* [YouTube NonStop](/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-nonstop/?
Tired of getting that "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation dialog? This extension autoclicks it, so you can listen to your favorite music uninterrupted. Working on YouTube and YouTube Music!
Rated 4.2 out of 5
### lawfx
### 139,066 users
* [Kirby9](/en-US/firefox/addon/kirby9/?
Rated 5 out of 5
### \(^o^)/
### 8,266 users
* [Praise the sun (animated)](/en-US/firefox/addon/praisethesun/?
Rated 4.9 out of 5
### anon
### 14,661 users
* [Spirited Away (Animated)](/en-US/firefox/addon/spirited-away-animated/?
Rated 4.9 out of 5
### Max
### 20,439 users
* [Tabby - Window & Tab Manager](/en-US/firefox/addon/tabby-window-tab-manager/?
Tabby helps you manage a lot of windows and tabs easily; it can help you open, close, move, pin, and do many other things on tabs and windows quickly. With Tabby, you can even save all you windows and tabs for later with just one click!
Rated 4.3 out of 5
### BillK
### 11,932 users
* [Tree Style Tab](/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/?
Show tabs like a tree.
Rated 4.5 out of 5
### Piro (piro\_or)
### 222,579 users
* [Simple Tab Groups](/en-US/firefox/addon/simple-tab-groups/?
Create, modify, and quickly change tab groups
Rated 4 out of 5
### Drive4ik
### 102,106 users
* [OneTab](/en-US/firefox/addon/onetab/?
OneTab - Too many tabs? Convert tabs to a list and reduce browser memory
Rated 4.2 out of 5
### OneTab Team
### 170,354 users
* [uBlock Origin](/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/?
Finally, an efficient wide-spectrum content blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
Rated 4.8 out of 5
### Raymond Hill
### 9,400,217 users
* [Video DownloadHelper](/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/?
Download videos from the web. Easy, smart, no tracking.
Rated 4.3 out of 5
### mig
### 1,930,211 users
* [Privacy Badger](/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/?
Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
Rated 4.8 out of 5
### EFF Technologists
### 1,851,013 users
* [DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials](/en-US/firefox/addon/duckduckgo-for-firefox/?
Simple and seamless privacy protection for your browser: tracker blocking, cookie protection, DuckDuckGo private search, email protection, HTTPS upgrading, and much more.
Rated 4.3 out of 5
### DuckDuckGo
### 1,396,360 users
* [Ladybug and Chameleon](/en-US/firefox/addon/ladybug-and-chameleon/?
Rated 5 out of 5
### mpkc57
### 434 users
* [Green Side](/en-US/firefox/addon/green-blue-side/?
Rated 4.4 out of 5
### Cool\_Creator5545
### 118 users
* [Animated│Geometric Hexagon](/en-US/firefox/addon/animated-geometric-hexagon/?
Rated 5 out of 5
### Pavol Polák
### 3,235 users
* [BetterTTV](/en-US/firefox/addon/betterttv/?
Enhances Twitch and YouTube with new features, emotes, and more.
Rated 4.6 out of 5
### NightDev
### 469,791 users
* [Alternate Player for](/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch_5/?
Alternate player of live broadcasts for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> website.
Rated 4.3 out of 5
### Alexander Choporov (CoolCmd)
### 34,032 users
* [Twitch Chat pronouns](/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch-chat-pronouns/?
Add Pronouns to Twitch Chat
Rated 3.4 out of 5
### Alejo Pereyra
### 16,023 users
* [Unwanted Twitch](/en-US/firefox/addon/unwanted-twitch/?
Hide unwanted streams, games, categories, channels and tags on: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Rated 4.2 out of 5
### 5,734 users
* [Search by Image](/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/?
A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
Rated 4.6 out of 5
### Armin Sebastian
### 401,759 users
* [Emoji](/en-US/firefox/addon/emoji-sav/?
It permits just with a single click to copy an emoji. There is a search-box and the "Most used emojis" section (the first one). If you want to send feedback or report bug, please contact me
Rated 4.8 out of 5
### Saverio Morelli (Sav22999)
### 36,038 users
* [Pinterest Save Button](/en-US/firefox/addon/pinterest/?
Save your favorite ideas online so you can easily get back to them later.
Rated 3.4 out of 5
### aperez
### 158,311 users
* [](/en-US/firefox/addon/raindropio/?
All-in-one bookmark manager
Rated 4.3 out of 5
### Rustem Mussabekov
### 24,398 users
Change the way Firefox looks with themes.
* [Abstract](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/abstract/)
* [Nature](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/nature/)
* [Film & TV](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/film-and-tv/)
* [Scenery](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/scenery/)
* [Music](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/music/)
* [Seasonal](/en-US/firefox/themes/category/seasonal/)