🏳️Accessify - Web accessibility tools and resources

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Get Actionable Tips on  

How To Optimize Your Website


Run a Free Performance Test



Let us test a web page speed and audit all its critical elements.

See all existing bottlenecks, errors and issues.

Get free tips on how to improve website speed and performance.

What We Analyze


### Page Load Time

Test how well a site loads and identify the slowest elements.

### Social Sharing

Find out if a page has Open Graph description to look good in social media.

### Page Size

Find out file sizes of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and optimize them.

### IP Address

Discover how many websites are using the same IP address.

### Visitor World Map

Identify how far away a website's user base is located from its actual server.

### HTTPS Certificate

Learn whether a website has up-to-date SSL certificate.

### Language and Encoding

Define whether actual language on a page matches the claimed parameters.

### Requests

Learn how many different requests were made to render a web page.

### Visitor World Map

Identify how far away a website's user base is located from its actual server.

### HTTPS Certificate

Learn whether a website has up-to-date SSL certificate.

### Language and Encoding

Define whether actual language on a page matches the claimed parameters.

### Requests

Learn how many different requests were made to render a web page.

### Page Load Time

Test how well a site loads and identify the slowest elements.

### Social Sharing

Find out if a page has Open Graph description to look good in social media.

### Page Size

Find out file sizes of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and optimize them.

### IP Address

Discover how many websites are using the same IP address.

### Visitor World Map

Identify how far away a website's user base is located from its actual server.

### HTTPS Certificate

Learn whether a website has up-to-date SSL certificate.

### Language and Encoding

Define whether actual language on a page matches the claimed parameters.

### Requests

Learn how many different requests were made to render a web page.

### Page Load Time

Test how well a site loads and identify the slowest elements.

### Social Sharing

Find out if a page has Open Graph description to look good in social media.

### Page Size

Find out file sizes of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and optimize them.

### IP Address

Discover how many websites are using the same IP address.

See Performance Analytics  

for Other Web Pages















































A Collection of Accessibility Tools and Goodies Just for You…


If this is your first visit here, we recommend you check out the following:


### Tools & Wizards

Use the [tools and wizards](https://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/) section (specifically the accessibility tools page)

Latest updates

*   Try out the new [Quick Form Builder](https://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/accessibility-tools/quick-form-builder) tool

*   There's another new(ish) tool, [Skipnav Builder](https://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/accessibility-tools/skipnav-builder/) — give it a whirl!

*   Also new is the [jQuery Function Builder](https://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/developer-tools/jquery-builder/)

*   [List-O-Matic](https://www.accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/developer-tools/list-o-matic/) gets a complete facelift and now allows nested navigation


### Screencasts

The new [accessibility screencasts](https://www.accessify.com/screencasts) section, demonstrating accessible techniques in action (as well as video examples of how to use some of this site's tools).

Enjoy your stay — and we hope you come back again soon! 👋