🏳️YourAdChoices.com | Welcome to YourAdChoices.com

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Take Control with  



Exercise choice on the Web for desktop and mobile or mobile apps—with one or more participating companies.

[Learn More](/control)





Put the AdChoices Icon to Work for You


Use the Icon to understand when information about your interests is being collected or used—and by which—companies.

[Learn More](/learn)

What's Behind the  

YourAdChoices Icon


YourAdChoices is brought to you by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA). Find out about the DAA program's protections and how participating companies are held accountable.

[Learn More](/learn#learn-icon)


The Benefits of Relevant Advertising


Advertising based on your likely interests gives you more relevant ads and offers and helps pay for the online content and services you enjoy.

[Learn More](/learn#learn-benefits)


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