🏳️About X | Our company and priorities

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We serve the public conversation. Learn more about X the company, and how we ensure people have a free and safe place to talk.

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*   Who we are

    *   [Careers](https://careers.twitter.com/)

    *   [Brand toolkit](https://about.x.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit)

*   Our priorities

    *   [Security and privacy](https://about.x.com/en/our-priorities/security-and-privacy)

    *   [Civic integrity](https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/election-integrity-policy)

*   Resources

    *   [Help Center](https://help.twitter.com)

    *   [Privacy Center](https://privacy.twitter.com)

    *   [Advertisers](https://business.twitter.com/advertising)

    *   [Developers](https://developer.twitter.com/)

    *   [Company updates](https://blog.twitter.com/)

    *   [Lobbying disclosures](https://about.x.com/en/resources/lobbying-disclosures)

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