CMU 15-721
· Advanced Database Systems ·
Fall 2024
[Jignesh Patel](, Office Hours: Monday 3:30 - 4:30 pm, GHC 9103
Teaching Assistant:
[Chris Laspias](, Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 pm, GHC 9023
Lecture Coordinates:
MW 2:00 - 3:20 pm, GHC 4303
This course covers a number of advanced topics in the development of data management systems. The topics discussed include query processing and optimization strategies, advanced concurrency control and recovery techniques, advanced access methods, parallel and distributed data systems, and the implications of running data platforms in modern cloud settings.
The course material will be drawn from a number of papers in the database literature. We will cover about 2-3 papers per week. All students in this class are expected to read the papers before coming to the lecture and submit a paper review before the lecture.
**Prerequisites**: CMU 15-445/645 or equivalent. If you have concerns about meeting the prerequisites, please contact the instructor.
Course Project
A significant component of this course is a research project. For the project, students pick a topic in the area of data management and explore it in detail. The instructor will provide a list of suggested project topics, though students are free to select a project outside of this list, provided they get prior approval. It is required that students meet with the instructor periodically throughout the semester to update on the progress of their project. The instructor will help with direction, but unless students take the initiative to actively explore the chosen topic, they are unlikely to accomplish much in the project, which will adversely affect their project grade.
The course project is a group project, and each group must consist of 2-3 members. Students are encouraged to start looking for project partners immediately. The instructor will facilitate informal group formation by holding a socializing session at the end of the first few lectures, but it is the students' responsibility to form and manage groups.
There are several deadlines for the project, including a project proposal, an intermediate project presentation to the class, and a final project presentation and report.
Grading Rubric and Deadlines
Reviews of papers
Due 1 hour before each class. Submit using [this link](
Lecture Notes
Due 1 week after the lecture. Open a pull request in the [course notes repo]( The assignment of notetakers to lectures is [here]( (Only accessible with if you are registered student in this class.)
Midterm exam
In class-exam.
Group Project
Detailed breakdown:
10% for the intermediate project proposal.
25% for the final project presentation.
25% for the final project report.
Academic Integrity
You are allowed to collaborate on the project with your project group, and on the lecture notes with the student(s) you are paired with for that task. All other work must be your own. See [CMU's Policy on Academic Integrity](